Top 45 katex open source projects

Fast math typesetting for the web.
Jekyll Spaceship
🚀 A Jekyll plugin to provide powerful supports for table, mathjax, plantuml, mermaid, emoji, video, audio, youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, soundcloud, spotify, etc.
🗄 A simple tool to convert an Obsidian vault into a static directory of HTML files.
Flutter tex
A Flutter Package to render Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Equations based on LaTeX
A LaTeX and WYSIWYG editor with academic search functionality and other helpful tools
♏ 一款浏览器端的 Markdown 编辑器。
Android Katex library to render math Formula faster in android using khanacademy Katex
Remark Math
remark and rehype plugins to support math
Vue Katex
Vue plugin for KaTeX
Render math exercises for your view. Contains the rendering of mathematical formulas and mathematical graphics, as well as the general text
Components for interactive scientific writing, reactive documents and explorable explanations.
Jekyll Katex
Jekyll plugin for easy server-side math rendering via KaTeX
Web content generators in Scala. Intuitive, scalable, powerful.
Yii2 Quill
Yii 2 implementation of Quill, modern WYSIWYG editor
Prosemirror Math
Schema and plugins for "first-class" math support in ProseMirror!
Ngx Markdown
Angular markdown component/directive/pipe/service to parse static, dynamic or remote content to HTML with syntax highlight
LaTeX Math for Markdown inside of Visual Studio Code.
(yet another) static site generator. Simple, customisable, fast, maths with KaTeX, code evaluation, optional pre-rendering, in Julia.
Jupyter Renderers
Renderers and renderer extensions for JupyterLab
📕 一款桌面端的 Markdown 块级引用和双向链接笔记应用,支持 Windows、Mac 和 Linux。A desktop Markdown Block-Reference and Bidirectional-Link note-taking application, supports Windows, Mac and Linux.
React Katex
Display math in TeX with KaTeX and ReactJS
Qilin App
Fully hackable text editor developed for exact sciences with built-in KaTeX and AsciiMath support. Extensible via plugins and themes. Exportable as HTML, PDF and GFM.
A Markdown-based note-taking app for mobile devices.
reveal.js plugin that renders mathematical formulas using KaTeX
Asciidoctor extension for converting latexmath using KaTeX at build time
Interactive Computer Algebra System. Augmenting how we *do* mathematics using computers
Display math in TeX with KaTeX and ReactJS
Rust bindings to KaTeX
1-45 of 45 katex projects