Jekyll Spaceship🚀 A Jekyll plugin to provide powerful supports for table, mathjax, plantuml, mermaid, emoji, video, audio, youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, soundcloud, spotify, etc.
Flutter texA Flutter Package to render Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Equations based on LaTeX
TexmeSelf-rendering Markdown + LaTeX documents
AnkdownEasily make Anki flash cards in markdown
AsciidocfxAsciidoc Editor and Toolchain written with JavaFX 16 (Build PDF, Epub, Mobi and HTML books, documents and slides)
SpmathkitRender math exercises for your view. Contains the rendering of mathematical formulas and mathematical graphics, as well as the general text
Markdeckpresentations as code - author cool slide decks, text-only, offline-ready, collaborative
MathjaxBeautiful and accessible math in all browsers
VnoteA pleasant note-taking platform.
ErblogA Hugo theme created by ertuil.
Mathjax SrcMathJax source code for version 3 and beyond
JaxbinMathJax and TeX pastebin
CocalcCoCalc: Collaborative Calculation in the Cloud
PapersPublications from the MathJax project
Mathjax DocsMathJax documentation. Beautiful math in all browsers. Beautifully documented.
Liandi📕 一款桌面端的 Markdown 块级引用和双向链接笔记应用,支持 Windows、Mac 和 Linux。A desktop Markdown Block-Reference and Bidirectional-Link note-taking application, supports Windows, Mac and Linux.
CodebeCodeBe(码币)是一个是使用angular2整合各种插件的项目,包括(layer,bootstrap-table,markdown编辑器,highcharts,ckeditor,高德地图,fullcalendar 等等)。如果你有什么想要集成的插件,请告诉我,我来加进去。(请给我加个星,谢谢。)
PointingToTheMoonSuper slim Jekyll Theme created for math posts with easy mermaid diagram
SWADroidAndroid client for e-learning platform SWAD (
arabic-mathjaxBeautiful Arabic Math on all browsers. An extension for MathJax v2.
grav-plugin-mathjaxThis plugin allows you to include math formulas in your web pages, either using TeX and LaTeX notation, and/or as MathML. - Mathematics Pastebin Written in Common Lisp
electron-markdown-editorA simple electron markdown editor made with Uikit, Codemirror and markdown-it. Support for MathJax, code highlighting, live preview, and more.
MathJax-devBuild and release tools for the MathJax project
StrapDown.js✨ StrapDown.js is an awesome javascript tool to quickly publish nice-looking web-pages in pure Markdown 📝, with no server side compilation 😎 →
mathconverterConverts from AsciiMath, LaTeX, MathML to LaTeX, MathML
notesSimple text editor for your Markdown and LaTeX notes.