Top 674 EJS open source projects

201. video-cut-tool
Wikimedia Tool to Trim Online Videos in Wikimedia Commons.
202. mkts
A command line tool for creating different types of typescript applications
203. OSAPI
👋 OSAPI 是依靠通用性后台管理平台搭建的API管理平台,基于 vue3、Nestjs 技术栈实现,包含 RBAC 角色权限模块、数据展示、编辑等模块。
204. kodo-browser
Kodo Browser 为七牛对象存储(Kodo)提供类似 Windows 资源管理器的功能。用户可以很方便的浏览文件,上传下载文件,支持断点续传等。
205. rockerjs-mvc
A MVC framework based on Rockerjs-core used by node.js, who has distrubuted tracking and starter mechanim can help developper build a program fast, available and scalable.
207. AppWorks
🐻 基于 VS Code 插件的前端研发工具集,站点国内镜像:
208. happa
Web user interface for Giant Swarm – Beyond managed Kubernetes
209. mod statuspage
Simple express/connect middleware to provide a status page with following details of the nodejs host.
210. ms-identity-javascript-react-tutorial
A chapterwise tutorial that will take you through the fundamentals of modern authentication with Microsoft identity platform in React using MSAL React
211. teamate
No description, website, or topics provided.
212. coral-audio-analysis
Coral Edge TPU project for analyzing noise pollution
213. timings
NodeJS/Express API to assert performance results during functional testing
214. san-website
No description, website, or topics provided.
217. Savior
218. hexo-theme-yet-the-books
还有书籍,🌙 始于外表,忠于文字。一个献给热爱思考者的博客主题。
224. neutrino-webextension
Neutrino 9 preset for WebExtension/Chrome extension development with hot reload and framework devtools.
226. gotr
Source code for "Go on the run (gotr)" YouTube series. Video are here:
227. node-red-alexa-home-skill-web
No description, website, or topics provided.
228. jzon
ReScript library to encode and decode JSON data with type safety.
230. hexo-theme-cake
🍰 It's a lovely hexo theme, sweet.
233. myChat
MyChat es una aplicación de mensajería en tiempo real con servidores de Discord (similar a un canal de Discord).
235. CC98-V4
No description, website, or topics provided.
237. unified-instantsearch-ecommerce
The fastest way to implement Algolia, for e-commerce customers.
238. lighthouse4u
LH4U provides Google Lighthouse as a service, surfaced by both a friendly UI+API, and backed by various storage clients (S3, ElasticSearch, etc) for all your query and visualization needs
240. Nereus
A multipurpose discord bot with a focus on music written using Discord.js
243. ballpark-tracker
A simple application used for tracking which MLB and AAA stadiums a "Ballpark Chaser" has been to.
244. Hydrox
Discord Bot With 250+ Commands And DashBoard
249. Scrum-Management
Scrum-Management: This is a project on the platform of web designing which will be a website developed for amateurs entering into codex that will make their tasks easier...
250. konva
Konvajs 中文文档 Konva是一个基于 Canvas 开发的 2d JavaScript框架库, 它可以轻松的实现桌面应用和移动应用中的图形交互交互效果