Sinn Serveran node server for sinn,that based on of nodejs,koa2,mongoose,docker,nginx,es6/7,Resful API,阿里云
Hexo Theme Miho🍺一款单栏响应式的hexo主题, A single column response for hexo .
Sharex Upload ServerAKA ShareS - Feature full & Stable ShareX and file server in node. Includes images, videos, code, text, markdown rendering, password protected uploads, logging via discord, administration through Discord, url shortening, and a full front end. Use standalone or via reverse proxy
Lib4devFind awesome libraries and make your development fast.
Fake Store ApiFakeStoreAPI is a free online REST API that provides you fake e-commerce JSON data
Generator Hexo ThemeGenerate a hexo theme: ejs, pug, swig, nunjucks | Moved to
Webpack Seed🚀 A Multi-Page Application base on webpack and babel. webpack搭建基于ES6,支持模板的多页面项目
BangajsBàngá is a CLI generator for scaffolding ExpressJS applications with speed and efficiency.
Dejsejs template engine for deno.
Hibiki🤖 The best all-in-one Discord bot! Automod, fun, music, utilities, and more. Customizable, easy-to-use, and fully translatable.
Template.jsA javascript template engine, simple, easy & extras, support webpack, rollup, parcel, browserify, fis and gulp
NodetypedNode.js Express Startup Seed with ES6, Typescript, SCSS, EJS, Nodemon, Bootstrap 4, TSLint, TypeDoc
Friend.lyA social media platform with a friend recommendation engine based on personality trait extraction
CmmsComputerized Maintenance Management System
Ideoxan👩💻 Ideoxan is a free to use online tool to learn programming.
Hexo Theme Anisina🎨 A simple responsive , support qiniu image cdn theme for hexo
Theme Bmw✋ Smart Voice: Voice for yourself | 微声: 请为自己发声
Email Templates📫 Create, preview, and send custom email templates for Node.js. Highly configurable and supports automatic inline CSS, stylesheets, embedded images and fonts, and much more!
delet[DEPRECATED - see] a Discord bot made using Discord.js
PepaversePepaverse is an open source social network build with nodejs, mongoDB, passportjs and
nestjs-mailer🌈 A simple implementation example with and without email-templates using mailer module for nest js built on top of nodemailer.
yelp-campA Node.js web application project from the Udemy course - The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele
equipGulp, EJS, Sass(ECSS), Aigis, iconfont
WordNookDynamically updating blogging website to upload articles and blog posts on various topics, developed using ejs template engine and node js in the backend.
mini-express-boilerplateA minimal Express boilerplate with passport user authentication, mongoose and some security setup configured
create-fastify-appAn utility that help you to generate or add plugin to your Fastify project
layoutsWraps templates with layouts. Layouts can use other layouts and be nested to any depth. This can be used 100% standalone to wrap any kind of file with banners, headers or footer content. Use for markdown, HTML, handlebars views, lo-dash templates, etc. Layouts can also be vinyl files.
nodejs-restapiSimple Rest-API With Login System, Built using MongoDB, Express.js, and Node.js