Top 1899 Less open source projects

751. eadmin
eadmin - 极致用户体验与极简开发并存的开箱即用的后台UI框架
752. color-themes-for-highlightjs
Syntax highlighting color themes for highlight.js
753. BlizzlikeCMS
A Blizzlike CMS for the TrinityCore Open Source MMO Framework.
754. formast
755. ztbcms
高性能、模块化、极速开发PHP Web框架
756. octoprint-nanny-plugin
757. retirement
Helping Americans make choices about retirement
759. mutation-observer
A library for idiomatic use of MutationObserver with Angular
760. basemall
🥇🥇🥇商城系统- java商城 B2C商城 小程序商城 H5商城 APP商城 ,本商城是前后端分离的商城、微服务架构商城。
761. servo-platform
The best conversational AI framework
762. vue-drag-tree
基于html5 drag api实现的vue树形拖拽组件
763. rax-map
基于 rax 与高德地图,快速开发无线地图类业务需求
765. ML-Playground
A Playground for machine learning techniques
767. shinage-server
PHP based server side software for web based digital signage systems.
768. jeesuite-passport
769. santd
San UI Toolkit for Ant Design
771. just-link
No description, website, or topics provided.
773. PerfreeBlog
775. darktooth-theme-ports
Ports of the Darktooth theme for Emacs to other applications
✭ 22
776. glue
Glue是一个基于web component构建的组件库,可以在react,vue2,vue3,angular和html等前端框架中运行
777. NetgenAdminUIBundle
Netgen Admin UI implements an alternate administration UI for eZ Platform, based on eZ Publish Legacy administration interface
778. TiberSynth
TiberSynth is an experimental audio synthesizer that runs in your web browser
779. lately
Native JavaScript, only 800Byte but simple and easy to use Timeago plugin
No description, website, or topics provided.
My b:log and all its content in plain (unabashed) text
782. NotionX
A Browser extension that enhances Notion Web App experience.一个增强 Notion Web端体验的浏览器插件。
783. Waifu2x-GUI
An app that upscales anime-styled images, gifs, and videos with waifu2x.
784. jsforce-web-console
A Web-based console (REPL) environment for JSforce
786. intentions
Base package for showing intentions in Atom
787. mailspring-matcha-theme
Matcha theme for Mailspring
788. atom-minimap-linter
Atom package to display linter markers on minimap
790. ISS
Oldschool Forum Software
791. toutiao-m
基于 Vue.js 开发的移动端项目——今日头条(页面下方扫码体验)
796. image-editor
Simple and strong, new image editor
797. oojs-ui
OOUI is a modern JavaScript UI library with strong cross-browser support. It is the standard library for MediaWiki and Wikipedia. This is a mirror from Main website:
798. host-webfonts-locally
OMGF automagically caches the Google Fonts used by your theme/plugins locally. No configuration (or brains) required!