Recently analyzed open source projects

pw-viz (Ax9D)
Pipewire graph editor written in Rust. WIP⚠️
orion-ui (Autodesk)
UI Components that work seamlessly in multiple UI frameworks
angular2-routing (auth0-blog)
No description, website, or topics provided.
jquery.alerts (aurels)
pretty alerts, confirms and prompts for jQuery
✭ 18
wifimon (attheodo)
macOS terminal utility for monitoring WiFi link quality
Heart-Rate-Monitor (athwaites)
A heart rate monitor designed for use on Android devices using an ANT+ compatible heart rate sensor.
✭ 22
alchemize (AshKyd)
🔩 Alchemize gui for minifying/pretty-printing code in various web formats.
Angular (ashfurrow)
Making an Othello/Reversi clone
TriangleCOPA (asgordon)
One hundred challenge problems for logical formalizations of commonsense psychology
✭ 22
Documentation (AsgardCms)
[Not a Module]Documentation and used for general Roadmap.
✭ 14
shared-data (asajeffrey)
A Rust library for data structures living in shared memory.
✭ 13
ublog.el (artagnon)
🗿 elisp artifact – worked as a twitter client briefly
arquillian-gradle-plugin (arquillian)
Gradle Plugin for handling Container control and deployment lifecycle
✭ 36
elementary-on-a-mac (aroman)
🏩 How-to: Install elementaryOS and macOS on a Mac
✭ 258
LightWhite (Archeb)
LaravelNotes (ARCANEDEV)
📒 Provides the ability to add notes to your Eloquent models in Laravel.
linenoise-ng (arangodb)
A small self-contained alternative to readline and libedit that supports UTF-8 and Windows and is BSD licensed.
✭ 343 (Apress)
Source code for 'Pro Entity Framework Core 2 for ASP.NET Core MVC' by Adam Freeman
isign (apperian)
Code sign iOS applications, without proprietary Apple software or hardware
✭ 192
test-first-ruby (appacademy)
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 35
community (apollographql)
Apollo community guidelines
tensorflow_2.0_tutorial (Apm5)
tensorflow 2.0 正式版实用教程/tutorial
homebridge-tapo-p100 (apatsufas)
Homebridge TP-LINK Tapo P100 Platform Plugin
✭ 45
gibbs2 (aoterodelaroza)
Thermodynamics of solids in the quasiharmonic approximation.
sketch-json-api (ant-design)
💎🔧 Node.js Library for Editing Sketch Files.
cisco.ios (ansible-collections)
Ansible Network Collection for Cisco IOS
ruby-tensorflow (ankurayadav)
This repository contains Ruby API for TensorFlow.
bootstrap-glyphicons (anjlab)
bootstrap glyphicons
✭ 22
Process-Monitor-for-Chrome (andyjy)
An extension for Google Chrome to monitor CPU and memory usage, drill down to identify misbehaving processes and take action.
vue-roller (Andy-0414)
number & string rolling counter
w3af-webui (andresriancho)
Django Web UI contributed by Yandex for w3af.
json-schema-random (andreineculau)
Given a JSON Schema, provide a random valid instance
vue-cli-plugin-nuxt-starter-template (andoshin11)
Nuxt.js starter project template for vue-cli v3.
pstrings (andikleen)
strings for a Linux process' address space
✭ 51
conekta-elixir (altyaper)
Elixir library for Conekta api calls
frame-purpose.el (alphapapa)
Purpose-specific frames for Emacs
pennyblack (allink)
A pluggable Django newsletter application based on FeinCMS
✭ 33
blaster (alliedmodders)
Source and GoldSrc Query Tool
✭ 19
OHURLLoader (AliSoftware)
Class that uses blocks (new to iOS4/OSX 10.6) to make URL requests/downloads much more easier
numstitch (alexmgr)
A set of tools which solves the coin change problem to generate ROP payloads
✭ 17
roscar (alexhuang888)
Rover car test platform with OpenCV, Raspberry Pi, PiCamera and ROS
✭ 14
alexcarpenter-11ty (alexcarpenter)
📝 Source files for my personal website built with Eleventy and hosted with Netlify.
Cnn-Hypercolumn (AlexandreRobicquet)
Extract hypercolumn to describe images
✭ 17
gitbook-treeview (aleen42)
🌲 A gitbook plugin for generating tree view for ech page
dplsa (akopich)
Distributed implementation of Robust PLSA using Spark
✭ 13
loginguard (akeeba)
Two Step Verification for Joomla!™ – from the developer of Joomla's Two Factor Authentication
MognetPlugin (Aida-Enna)
A simple plugin which allows you to send your Final Fantasy XIV parse data as a POST request to your server.
✭ 13
js-styleguide (aheckmann)
A javascript style guide.
✭ 27
gdeltr (ahalterman)
R tools for GDELT and the Global Knowledge Graph
✭ 14
vim-gifs (agarrharr)
🖼 Collection of gifs of my favorite vim plugins
✭ 49
SimpleRemoteDesktop (agafon0ff)
Remote desktop management from a web browser, based on Qt5.
kmscon (Aetf)
Linux KMS/DRM based virtual Console Emulator
✭ 102
clojure-must-watch (aenoble)
Must watch videos about Clojure in the same vein as js-must-watch (
adyen-cse-ios (Adyen)
[Deprecated] Sample code for client-side encryption on iOS
CovidCertificate-Management-UI (admin-ch)
No description, website, or topics provided.
mini_cnc_plotter_firmware (adidax)
Arduino firmware for Mini CNC Plotter using DVD drive steppers
✭ 30
js-build-tools (adidas)
adidas configurations for JavaScript tooling
adepthub-ext (adepthub)
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 14
Adafruit_AVRProg (adafruit)
Programming AVRs with another device
✭ 34
MMNavigatorFont (adad184)
A xcode plugin to change the font of navigator
guide (activitypubguide)
WIP - ActivityPub Guide
help-guide (acmutd)
A starter-guide for all things at UT Dallas
✭ 21
serverless-plugin-package-dotenv-file (ACloudGuru)
A Serverless plugin to copy a .env file into the serverless package
✭ 13
Mimic_Me_CV_Game (acl21)
This repo hold the code of a simple, fun game built using Affectiva's Emotion-as-a-Service API. An Emoji is shown on the screen and one has to mimic the emoji to score points.
keeplinkin (abhishekbalam)
🔗 A Flask and Redis based fast, feature rich and free URL shortener site.
KeyCandy (aaronmccall)
KeyCandy - accessible keyboard shortcuts just got a whole lot sweeter.
✭ 13
swarm (a7vinx)
A modular distributed penetration testing tool.
✭ 41
capistrano-pending (a2ikm)
Provide deploy:pending task to Capistrano 3.
✭ 15
CuraSettingsWriter (5axes)
Cura Plugin for Exporting Settings to HTML
mofuparser (2vg)
mofuparser is hyper minimal ultra fast http parser.
kafka-connect-dashboard (1ambda)
Dashboard for Apache kafka-connect
wrapped-locked-jewel (0xTomoyo)
ERC20 tradable version of locked JEWEL
✭ 30
pyrtlsdr-peakfinder (0xabad1dea)
Scan for signal peaks with RTL-SDR
✭ 31
r2lrn (0ki)
No description, website, or topics provided.
rtti-helper-scripts (zynamics)
A few IDAPython scripts to generate class hierarchy diagrams from IDBs
✭ 33
httpserver (zyfjeff)
MA-FSA (zunama)
This is a minimal acyclic finite-state automata algorithm in Java based on the paper, "Incremental Construction of Minimal Acyclic Finite-State Automata".
✭ 18
PayoutScript-xyZ (ZracheSs-xyZ)
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 70
LoginUsingParseSdk (zohaibbrohi)
Login and SignUp using ParseSDK as backend
✭ 18
StataImproved (zizhongyan)
Improved Stata Editor for macOS : a sublime text 3 plugin
easytrace (zhxing)
Java 命令行诊断工具
✭ 21
istio-practice (zhaohuabing)
901-1000 recently analyzed projects