All Categories β†’ Cloud Computing β†’ aws-lambda

Top 605 aws-lambda open source projects

List Lambdas
Enumerate Lambda functions across all regions with useful metadata πŸ’‘πŸ’΅βš™
Serverless Next.js
⚑ Deploy your Next.js apps on AWS Lambda@Edge via Serverless Components
A dynamic Web Map tile server
Stream your applications with Parsec and AWS on the cheap.
Awsmobile Cli
CLI experience for Frontend developers in the JavaScript ecosystem.
Serverless Sentry Plugin
This plugin adds automatic forwarding of errors and exceptions to Sentry ( and Serverless (
Serverless Php
Serverless Framework example using an AWS lambda which runs a PHP function
Anime2Selfie Backend Services - Lambda, Queue, API Gateway and traffic processing
Aws Lambda Swift
A custom AWS Lambda Runtime for Swift
✭ 144
Highlight Utils
My tools for converting, importing, and processing Kindle, Instapaper, and Safari Books highlights
Serverless Sam
Serverless framework plugin to export AWS SAM templates for a service
Serverless Pg
A package for managing PostgreSQL connections at SERVERLESS scale
Auth Api Demo
Securing Microservices on AWS with Cognito, API Gateway and Lambda Demo
Project Flogo is an open source ecosystem of opinionated event-driven capabilities to simplify building efficient & modern serverless functions, microservices & edge apps.
Serverless load testing for replaying website traffic. Powered by AWS Lambda.
Claudia Bot Builder
Create chat bots for Facebook Messenger, Slack, Amazon Alexa, Skype, Telegram, Viber, Line, GroupMe, Kik and Twilio and deploy to AWS Lambda in minutes
Cra Serverless
Serverless pre-rendering (SSR) for React SPA using AWS Lambda, S3, and CloudFront.
Aws Lambda Scala
Writing AWS Lambdas in Scala
Aws Maintenance Lambda
A lambda function to send alerts (to Slack, HipChat) on AWS maintenance events.
Aws Lambda List
A list of hopefully useful AWS lambdas and lambda-related resources.
A Crash Course On Serverless Auth
A short and easy boilerplate showcasing JWT auth with Nodejs, the Serverless framework, MongoDB and AWS Lambda.
A wrapper for locust to allow running load tests in python or on AWS Lambda
Sumologic Aws Lambda
A collection of lambda functions to collect data from Cloudwatch, Kinesis, VPC Flow logs, S3, security-hub and AWS Inspector
Landsat Tiler
A serverless Landsat tiles server using AWS Lambda
Key Conjurer
Temporary Credential Service
Aws Data Wrangler
Pandas on AWS - Easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, Timestream, QuickSight, Chime, CloudWatchLogs, DynamoDB, EMR, SecretManager, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLServer and S3 (Parquet, CSV, JSON and EXCEL).
A Function as a Service tool makes a function as a container-based service in seconds.
The simplest, most powerful way to build serverless applications
Covid 19 Api
This is the code running in AWS Lambda powering The API provides realtime and historical data on Coronavirus COVID-19 confirmed cases, deaths, and recovered cases. This API has now been called over 3 million times, thank you!
Iopipe Js Core
Observe and develop serverless apps with confidence on AWS Lambda with Tracing, Metrics, Profiling, Monitoring, and more.
Serverless ζžΆζž„εΊ”η”¨εΌ€ε‘ζŒ‡ε— - Serverless Architecture Application Development Guide with Serverless Framework.
Serverless Plugin Optimize
Bundle with Browserify, transpile and minify with Babel automatically to your NodeJS runtime compatible JavaScript
Aws Lambda R Runtime
Serverless execution of R code on AWS Lambda
Aws Appsync Rds Aurora Sample
An AWS AppSync Serverless resolver for the Amazon Aurora relational database.
Node Acme Lambda
Use AWS Lambda to manage SSL certificates for ACME providers like Let's Encrypt.
Aws Lambda Blog
AWS Lambda serverless blogging platform
Serverless Layers
Serverless.js plugin that implements AWS Lambda Layers which reduces drastically lambda size, warm-up and deployment time.
Canari v3 - next gen Maltego framework for rapid remote and local transform development
Serverless Side Rendering React Next
Sample repo for setting up Next and React on AWS Lambda with the Serverless Framework.
Run interactive shell commands on AWS Lambda
Bitcoin Arbitrage
An AWS Lambda function that looks for Bitcoin Arbitrage opportunities
Hello Lambda
πŸ”₯ An example of a Python (AWS) Lambda exposed with API Gateway, configured with Terraform.
Lambda Toolkit
*DO NOT USE* - This project was done during my initial python and lambda's studies. I would recommend you the `serverless framework`.
Serverless Docker Image Resize
Simple serverless image resize on-the-fly - Deploy with one command - Built with AWS Lambda and S3
Awesome Layers
Ξ» A curated list of awesome AWS Lambda Layers. Sponsored by
Serverless static website with basic auth
Builds a serverless infrastructure in AWS for hosting a static website protected with Basic Authentication and published on a subdomain registered via Route 53
Athena Express
athena-express makes it easier to execute SQL queries on Amazon Athena by chaining together a bunch of methods in the AWS SDK. This allows you to execute SQL queries AND fetch JSON results in the same synchronous call - well suited for web applications.
Run ruby scripts on aws lambda.
Distributed Dataset
A distributed data processing framework in Haskell.
Mobile user authentication flow with React Native, Expo, and AWS Amplify: Sign In, Sign Up, Confirm Sign Up, Forget Password, Reset Password.
⚑ Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! –
61-120 of 605 aws-lambda projects