Top 2512 flutter open source projects

Flutter wrapper
Flutter execution wrapper which keeps the flutter version in sync for each project
creativecreatorormaybenot's entry to the Flutter Clock challenge.
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Bottom bar fab flutter
BottomAppBar Navigation with FAB
Mvvm flutter
Build MVVM App for Android and IOS with Flutter
Flutter Web Admin Dashbaord
Admin Dashboard built using Flutter Web
Flutter版微信SDK.WeChat SDK for flutter.
Flutter crashlytics
📦 Flutter plugin for Crashlytics integration
Flutter ecommerce ui kit
Flutter - E Commerce UI KIT ( completely free for everyone )
Flutter weather
An elegant, easy on the eyes weather app built with flutter
Flutter app badger
Support to update the app badge on the launcher (both for Android and iOS)
Flutter jobs app
Flutter jobs borad app created using flutter
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Flutter Demo Topmovies
用 Flutter 写的可以展示豆瓣Top250电影的 Demo
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Flutter Architecture Ddd
Flutter Architecture inspired by Domain Driven Design, Onion and Clean Architecture
Wanandroid flutter
Flutter book
Flutter1.17.x book App,使用Mobx数据管理器支持Android和iOS,使用库json_serializable、json_annotation、dio。
Wdb106 Flutter
WEB+DB PRESS Vol.106のAndroid・iOSアプリ設計のサンプルをFlutterではどう書くかというサンプル
Flutter Things Todo
An example Todo App using Flutter with advanced features
Flutter trip
Flutter 仿携程网App
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Matinee Flutter
This is an app that displays you details of movies that you can search for , or browse.
Flutter sticky infinite list
Multi directional infinite list with Sticky headers for Flutter applications
Flutter Ui Kit
A repository full of beautiful UI examples in Flutter
Enjoy podcasts with Tsacdop! A podcast player built with flutter.
Flutter spinkit
✨ A collection of loading indicators animated with flutter. Heavily Inspired by
Ox Coi
OX COI Messenger - a Flutter app for the COI (Chat Over IMAP) standard
Flutter Food APP Desing
Camera awesome
A flutter plugin to handle Android / iOS camera
Frideos flutter
An all-in-one Fllutter package for state management, reactive objects, animations, effects, timed widgets etc.
Self-hosted private Dart Pub server for Enterprise
Flutter hrlweibo
Flutter仿微博客户端, 包含首页、视频、发现、消息(仿微博聊界面)及个人中心模块
Flutter opentrivia
OpenTrivia-A quiz app made with flutter
Sharik is an open-source, cross-platform solution for sharing files via Wi-Fi or Mobile Hotspot
Mobile Challenges
📝 A Huge List of Challenges for Mobile Developers 📱 | For now only in pt-BR
Flutter colorpicker
A HSV(HSB)/HSL color picker inspired by chrome devtools and a material color picker for your flutter app.
Flutter Storyboard
Lightweight and blazing fast key-value database written in pure Dart.
Halo App
📱 Halo admin app client.
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Flutter Circular Slider
A customizable circular slider for Flutter.
Slimycard Animated Flutter Package
SlimyCard provides a beautiful slime-like animation of a Card that separates into two different Cards, one at the top and the another at bottom. It is possible to put any custom widget in these two separate cards.
Flutter app for purchasing and renting games.
Flutter image editor
Flutter plugin, support android/ios.Support crop, flip, rotate, color martix, mix image, add text. merge multi images.
Purchases Flutter
Flutter in-app purchases and subscriptions made easy. iOS and Android support.
Hydrated bloc
An extension to the bloc state management library which automatically persists and restores bloc states.
Flutter smart select
SmartSelect allows you to easily convert your usual form select or dropdown into dynamic page, popup dialog, or sliding bottom sheet with various choices input such as radio, checkbox, switch, chips, or even custom input. Supports single and multiple choice.
A minimalistic Flutter website template for blogs and portfolios. Demo:
Create flutter provider app
A boilerplate project created in Flutter using Provider and Firebase.
Android ctrip
Android Flutter 混合开发高仿大厂App
Flutter Carousel Pro
Flutter Carousel Pro
Famous 2048 Game in Flutter
Liquid progress indicator
A liquid progress indicator for Flutter
Json table
Flutter package: Json Table Widget to create table from json array
Flutter News App
Flutter News App with Developed using the Test Driven Development.
Flutter animation explorer
📈 flutter animation explorer
A Flutter package for easily implementing Material Design navigation transitions.
Flutter Gallery is a resource to help developers evaluate and use Flutter
Flutter camera ml vision
A flutter widget that show the camera stream and allow ML vision recognition on it, it allow you to detect barcodes, labels, text, faces...
121-180 of 2512 flutter projects