Top 41 sticky open source projects

Sticky Layoutmanager
An android recyclerview sticky item view layout manager library
Stickybits is a lightweight alternative to `position: sticky` polyfills 🍬
Flutter sticky infinite list
Multi directional infinite list with Sticky headers for Flutter applications
This plugin makes it possible to have a fixed position element that is relative to it’s parent. A normal fixed positioned element would be “out of context” and is very difficult to use in the most common situations with fluid designs. This plugin solves that problem with as little code as I could possible get it so it will run in the most optimized way, while also allow you to customize it in many important ways which might suit you best.
React Native Keyboard Accessory View
Keyboard accessory (sticky) view for your React Native app. Supports interactive dismiss on iOS.
Fixed Sticky
DEPRECATED: A position: sticky polyfill that works with filamentgroup/fixed-fixed for a safer position:fixed fallback.
React Virtualized Sticky Tree
A React component for efficiently rendering tree like structures with support for position: sticky
Fixed <thead>. Doesn't need any custom css/html. Does what position:sticky can't
Zebra pin
A lightweight jQuery plugin for creating sticky elements pinned to the page or to a container element
Lightweight (2kb gzipped), zero-dependency javascript library for making float sidebars based on the finite state machine
Vue2 Datatable
The best Datatable for Vue.js 2.x which never sucks. Give us a star 🌟 if you like it! (DEPRECATED. As I, @kenberkeley, the only maintainer, no longer works for OneWay. Bugs may be fixed but new features or breaking changes might not be merged. However, it's still the best in my mind because of its extremely flexible usage of dynamic components)
Ng Sticky
Angular 4 sticky, have header or any component sticky easy to use.
⭐️ beautiful switch widget with sticky animation ⭐️
Sticky State
StickyState is a high performant module making native position:sticky statefull and polyfilling the missing sticky browser feature
Sticky Js
Library for sticky elements written in vanilla javascript
📖StickyTimeLine is timeline view for android.
Hc Sticky
JavaScript library that makes any element on your page visible while you scroll.
Autosaving sticky note with support for multiple notes without needing multiple windows.
Sticky header and footer for android ScrollView.
打造炫酷列表之 StickyHeaderListView:标题渐变、吸附悬浮、筛选分类、动态头部等
Jekyll Stickyposts - move selected posts to the top of the list
A simple and basic sticky observer (or watcher) on HTMLElement's in a given container
模拟 position: sticky; 的 vue 组件
A simple WordPress plugin to make the widget areas on the right side at /wp-admin/widgets.php sticky.
A React Component to hide a Header using CSS sticky position
Based on pure JS scripts, without relying on native, no need for react-native link, Title / Header / Tabs / Sticky / Screen components can be flexibly configured, among which Tabs / Sticky can slide When it reaches the top, it will be topped.
📌 HTML5Sticky - sticky notes app for the web !
A Custom Header View With Multiple Items to make selection from categories
Make your React component sticky the easy way
flutter sticky and expandable list
粘性头部与分组列表Sliver实现 Build a grouped list, which support expand/collapse section and sticky headers, support use it with sliver widget.
1-41 of 41 sticky projects