Top 96 ionic-framework open source projects

The Drug Search Engine For Healthcare Providers
Building an Ionic App with Protected/Private Content. This app shows how to use Firebase Storage from an Ionic Angular app both with public and private content.
A basic application for Ionic 4 with firebase & ngrx actions, reducers and effects
Create a full and powerful worflow with Ionic (Unit Testing, Environment variables, Automatic documentation, Production App Server, Automatic deployment)
Angular 4, Ionic 3, and AWS (Amazon) Cognito User Pools. Authentication out of the box.
This project aims to build a modern mobile web-app based on the framework Ionic to improve the functionality of
Ionic 3 Start Theme with 10 Pages, mock data, providers samples, Storage, Http and more...
Monorepo as Microservices: Full MEAN stack with Angular 7, Ionic 4 and ReactiveX API (ngrx/Store + ngrx/Effects) + i18n/ngx-translate + Express NodeJS REST API servers micro-services + JWT Authentication + UnitTest/e2e exemple + Travis + DevOps scripts and many more...
📋 Ionic-Angular app to fetch news articles from a REST API using Typescript interfaces to define the expected structure of the json objects returned & http service providers. Custom pipes used to modify API news article titles, contents and convert the Universal Time Constant (UTC) date string. Dark mode, Offline Storage of favourite articles & …
sample application using ionic framework tab component with vuejs
Ionic2 to show the use of http in an application - IonicFramework - angular2
In this ionic tutorial you will learn how to access the image gallery and take pictures from an ionic app. Also we will show you how to add a image cropper. This ionic tutorial includes a working ionic app example you can reuse for your needs.
This repository contains complete source code for Ionic 3 tutorial from I will try many Ionic 3 specific scripts and will write them as separate tutorial. You can follow this repo to get more tested and working script for the Ionic 3.
This is a template for WhatsApp for user with ionic framework. It's just a template with no backend for now. See Roadmap in Readme below
Ionic example app of how to add Google maps, places, geolocation and related features into an Ionic Framework app.
61-96 of 96 ionic-framework projects