Top 56736 CSS open source projects

201. Gridforms
Data entry can be beautiful
205. Screentogif
🎬 ScreenToGif allows you to record a selected area of your screen, edit and save it as a gif or video.
206. Electronic Wechat
💬 A better WeChat on macOS and Linux. Built with Electron by Zhongyi Tong.
208. Fullcalendar
Full-sized drag & drop event calendar
Modern JavaScript Tutorial
210. Stream Handbook
how to write node programs with streams
211. Style2paints
sketch + style = paints 🎨 (TOG2018/SIGGRAPH2018ASIA)
212. Amazeui
Amaze UI, a mobile-first and modular front-end framework.
213. Gts
AppScale is an easy-to-manage serverless platform for building and running scalable web and mobile applications on any infrastructure.
214. Selenium Python Helium
Selenium-python but lighter: Helium is the best Python library for web automation.
215. Webpackmonitor
A tool for monitoring webpack optimization metrics through the development process
216. Lit
The Language Interpretability Tool: Interactively analyze NLP models for model understanding in an extensible and framework agnostic interface.
Quickly generate social sharing buttons with a tiny performance footprint
220. Iconic
A minimal set of icons in raster, vector and font formats — free for public use.
222. Coder
A simple way to make web stuff on Raspberry Pi
223. Electron Vue Admin
vue electron admin template web:
224. Spring Data Elasticsearch
Provide support to increase developer productivity in Java when using Elasticsearch. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a template classes for core API usage and lightweight repository style data access.
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225. Marp
The entrance repository of Markdown presentation ecosystem
226. Swagger Bootstrap Ui
Swagger-bootstrap-ui is the Swagger front-end UI implementation, the purpose is to replace the Swagger default UI implementation Swagger-UI, make the document more friendly....
227. React Pwa
An upgradable boilerplate for Progressive web applications (PWA) with server side rendering, build with SEO in mind and achieving max page speed and optimized user experience.
228. Sanity
The Sanity Studio – Collaborate in real-time on structured content
230. Aswan
232. Jquery Tokeninput
Tokeninput is a jQuery plugin which allows your users to select multiple items from a predefined list, using autocompletion as they type to find each item. You may have seen a similar type of text entry when filling in the recipients field sending messages on facebook.
233. Bookdown
Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown
234. Tape
A lightning fast, transactional, file-based FIFO for Android and Java.
235. Create React Kotlin App
Create React apps using Kotlin with no build configuration
238. Mage
Mage is a make-like build tool using Go. You write plain-old go functions, and Mage automatically uses them as Makefile-like runnable targets.
Balloons.IO is a web multi-room chat server and client ready to use. It’s built with the help of node.JS, Express, Socket.IO and Redis. Balloons uses PassportJS for authentication with Twitter and Facebook
240. Easyxdm
A javascript library providing cross-browser, cross-site messaging/method invocation.
241. O2oa
开源OA系统 - 码云GVP|Java开源oa|企业OA办公平台|企业OA|协同办公OA|流程平台OA|O2OA|OA,支持国产麒麟操作系统和国产数据库(达梦、人大金仓),政务OA,军工信息化OA
242. Dism Multi Language
Dism++ Multi-language Support & BUG Report
245. Makisu
Fast and flexible Docker image building tool, works in unprivileged containerized environments like Mesos and Kubernetes.
246. Aloha Editor
Aloha Editor is a JavaScript content editing library
248. Flexbox Patterns
Patterns for using flexbox CSS to build awesome UI components.
✭ 2,458
249. Mediawiki
🌻 The collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia. Mirror from See for contributing.
250. Loupe
Visualizing the javascript runtime at runtime
✭ 2,647