Top 1371 keras open source projects

Elmo Keras
Re-implementation of ELMo on Keras
✭ 125
Semantic Segmentation Of Remote Sensing Images
Keras Mdn Layer
An MDN Layer for Keras using TensorFlow's distributions module
it's a small library for running trained Keras 2 models from a native C++ code.
Midi Rnn
Generate monophonic melodies with machine learning using a basic LSTM RNN
Implementation of simple autoencoders networks with Keras
Fast anchor free Object Detection based on CenterNet (Objects As Points) and TTFNet (Training-Time-Friendly Network). Implemented in TensorFlow 2.4+.
Keras to tensorflow
General code to convert a trained keras model into an inference tensorflow model
keras attentional bi-LSTM-CRF for Joint NLU (slot-filling and intent detection) with ATIS
Capsule Gan
Code for my Master thesis on "Capsule Architecture as a Discriminator in Generative Adversarial Networks".
Face landmark factory
These are a set of tools using OpenCV, Tensorflow and Keras, with which you can generate your own model of facial landmark detection and demonstrate the effect of newly-generated model easily.
This project is an aid to the blind. Till date there has been no technological advancement in the way the blind navigate. So I have used deep learning particularly convolutional neural networks so that they can navigate through the streets.
DeepHyper: Scalable Asynchronous Neural Architecture and Hyperparameter Search for Deep Neural Networks
Face Comparer
Neural net to compare human faces.
House Price Prediction
房价预测完整项目:1.爬取链家网数据 2.处理后,用sklearn中几个逻辑回归机器学习模型和keras神经网络搭建模型预测房价 最终结果神经网络效果更好,R^2值0.75左右
Yolo V3 Iou
YOLO3 动漫人脸检测 (Based on keras and tensorflow) 2019-1-19
All Conv Keras
All Convolutional Network: ( implementation in Keras
Tf.keras Commonly Used Models
Colab Mask Rcnn
How to run Object Detection and Segmentation on a Video Fast for Free
Keras Object Detection API with YOLK project 🍳
Keras Gpt 2
Load GPT-2 checkpoint and generate texts
Gcn keras
图卷积神经网络 Graph Convolutional Network with Keras
Keras Dualpathnetworks
Dual Path Networks for Keras 2.0+
Robotics setup
Setup Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04 and 14.04 with machine learning and robotics software plus user configuration. Includes ceres tensorflow ros caffe vrep eigen cudnn and cuda plus many more.
Keras Mtcnn
mtcnn face detection transplanted to keras
🎶 dead simple audio classification
Keras And Tensorflow Serving
Deploying Keras models using TensorFlow Serving and Flask
Using Machine Learning to predict the type of exercise from movement data
wgan, wgan2(improved, gp), infogan, and dcgan implementation in lasagne, keras, pytorch
Keras Cloud Ml Engine
Adventures using keras on Google's Cloud ML Engine
Keras Multiple Process Prediction
A Simply Example to show how to use Keras model in multiple processes to do the prediction
Test Time Augmentation (TTA) wrapper for computer vision tasks: segmentation, classification, super-resolution, ... etc.
Min nlp practice
Chinese & English Cws Pos Ner Entity Recognition implement using CNN bi-directional lstm and crf model with char embedding.基于字向量的CNN池化双向BiLSTM与CRF模型的网络,可能一体化的完成中文和英文分词,词性标注,实体识别。主要包括原始文本数据,数据转换,训练脚本,预训练模型,可用于序列标注研究.注意:唯一需要实现的逻辑是将用户数据转化为序列模型。分词准确率约为93%,词性标注准确率约为90%,实体标注(在本样本上)约为85%。
Face2Data: Extract meaningful information from a person face in less than a second. Powered by Keras and Flask.
Indian Paper Currency Prediction
Source code of Indian Paper Currency Prediction 🔥
Are You Fake News
Bias detection in the news. Back and front end for
Neural network graphs and training metrics for PyTorch, Tensorflow, and Keras.
Adamw keras
AdamW optimizer for Keras
Cloudml Samples
Cloud ML Engine repo. Please visit the new Vertex AI samples repo at
An adblocker for live radio streams and podcasts. Machine learning meets Shazam.
Bidirectional LSTM-CRF and ELMo for Named-Entity Recognition, Part-of-Speech Tagging and so on.
Direct Future Prediction Keras
Direct Future Prediction (DFP ) in Keras
Convert ONNX model graph to Keras model format.