Top 602 vscode-extension open source projects

Vscode Lldb
A native debugger extension for VSCode based on LLDB
Vscode Smarty
Smarty syntax highlight extension for Visual Studio Code
Vscode Debug Visualizer
An extension for VS Code that visualizes data during debugging.
Vscode Vercel
Keep an eye on ▲ Vercel deployments without ever leaving Visual Studio Code.
Vsc Mikutap
♪♫ ¶(⁄•˅̮•∖)⁋ ♪♬ Mikutap extension for Visual Studio Code
Vscode Badges
Snippets to quickly insert badges into HTML, Markdown, reStructuredText or Textile documents
Vscode Laravel Extra Intellisense
This extension adds extra autocompletion for laravel projects to VSCode.
Aws Step Functions Constructor
VSCode extension to visualize AWS step functions
Vscode As Git Mergetool
VS Code extension providing diff editor layouts & more for 3-way merging
Hxcpp Debugger
Visual Studio Code Debugger for Haxe/HXCPP applications
Vscode Create Tests
A vscode extension to quickly create test files.
Tabnine Vscode
Visual Studio Code client for TabNine.
Vscode Git Graph
View a Git Graph of your repository in Visual Studio Code, and easily perform Git actions from the graph.
Coderoad Vscode
👩‍💻 Create or play Interactive coding tutorials in VSCode
lua debug and code tools for VS Code
Vscode Markdown Preview Enhanced
One of the "BEST" markdown preview extensions for Visual Studio Code
Vscode Peacock
Subtly change the color of your Visual Studio Code workspace. Ideal when you have multiple VS Code instances, use VS Live Share, or use VS Code's Remote features, and you want to quickly identify your editor.
Vscode Gitlens
Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code — Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and code lens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via powerful comparison commands, and so much more
LaTeX Math for Markdown inside of Visual Studio Code.
Vscode Terraform
A Visual Studio Code extension for Hashicorp Terraform
A snapshot testing library for rust
Discord Vscode
🖋️ Update your discord status with a rich presence
Vscode Wakatime
Visual Studio Code plugin for automatic time tracking and metrics generated from your programming activity.
Vscode Php Debug
PHP Debug Adapter for Visual Studio Code 🐞⛔
Evernote Editing. Redefined. 关于 token 的问题请去 中查看!
Language Tools
The Svelte Language Server, and official extensions which use it
The next generation of tooling for Spring Boot, including support for Cloud Foundry manifest files, Concourse CI pipeline definitions, BOSH deployment manifests, and more... - Available for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Theia
Vscode Rust
Rust for Visual Studio Code
Vscode Live Sass Compiler
Compile Sass or Scss file to CSS at realtime with live browser reload feature.
Shades Of Purple Vscode
🦄 Shades of Purple — A professional theme with hand-picked & bold shades of purple to go along with your VSCode. Reviewed by several designers and 75+ theme versions released to keep it updated. One of the top rated best VSCode themes on VS Code Marketplace. Download →
Chat with your team while you collaborate over code using VS Live Share
Vscode R
R Extension for Visual Studio Code (execution, snippet, lint, R documantation, R Markdown)
Vscode Markdownlint
Markdown linting and style checking for Visual Studio Code
VS Code extension for managing and sharing code snippets, notes and interactive samples using GitHub Gists
Marp Vscode
Marp for VS Code: Create slide deck written in Marp Markdown on VS Code
Vscode Es7 Javascript React Snippets
Extension for Javascript/React snippets with search supporting ES7 and babel features
Vscode Graphql
VSCode GraphQL extension (autocompletion, go-to definition, syntax highlighting)
Vscode Cpptools
Official repository for the Microsoft C/C++ extension for VS Code.
Vscode Syncing
⚡️ VSCode Extension - Sync all of your VSCode settings across multiple devices.
Visual Intelligent Development Pack(可视化智能开发套件)
Code Settings Sync
🌴💪 Synchronize your Visual Studio Code Settings Across Multiple Machines using GitHub GIST 💪🌴
Vscode Php Intellisense
Advanced PHP IntelliSense for Visual Studio Code 🆚💬
Chrome Vs Code
A web browser integrated in VS Code editor tabs. ☢️ experimental ☢️
Shader Toy
Shadertoy-like live preview for GLSL shaders in Visual Studio Code
Vscode Haskell
VS Code extension for Haskell, powered by haskell-language-server
Vscode Todo Highlight
a vscode extension to highlighting todos, fixmes, and any annotations...
Vscode Winddown
VS Code extension that encourages you to take a break.
Vscode Reveal
Revealjs vsCode extension
181-240 of 602 vscode-extension projects