Top 1118 cpp open source projects

201. Metalang99
A functional language for C99 preprocessor metaprogramming
202. Bit7z
A C++ static library offering a clean and simple interface to the 7-zip DLLs.
203. Algo ds
Repository for cool algorithms and Datastructures
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204. Rubeus
A cross platform 2D game engine written in C++ for beginners
205. Lbann
Livermore Big Artificial Neural Network Toolkit
206. Openpapyrus
Sophisticated ERP, CRM, Point-Of-Sale, etc. Open source now. This system is developed since 1996.
207. Ni Media
NI Media is a C++ library for reading and writing audio streams.
208. Boost graph cookbook 1
Boost.Graph Cookbook 1: Basics
209. Winlamb
A lightweight modern C++11 library for Win32 API, using lambdas to handle Windows messages.
211. Sfml Vscode Boilerplate
A cross-platform SFML 2.5.1 & C++17 build environment for Visual Studio Code
212. Gayrpc
Full Duplex C++ RPC Library,Use Protobuf, Support HTTP API .
213. Rea
Lightweight library of data structures implemented in C++11, designed for constant time insertion, erasure, lookup, and fastest possible iteration.
214. Whatsapp For Linux
An unofficial WhatsApp desktop application for Linux.
215. Inexor Core
UNMAINTAINED: Please have a look at the entity-system
216. Cppbase
Boilerplate for a simple CMake-based C++ project
217. Gf
A C++14 framework for 2D games
218. Celerite
Scalable 1D Gaussian Processes in C++, Python, and Julia
219. Sourcehold
Open source re-implementation of Stronghold 1
220. Dlaf
Diffusion-limited aggregation, fast.
221. Hlslpp
Math library using hlsl syntax with SSE/NEON support
222. Smmalloc
Blazing fast memory allocator designed for video games
223. Oatpp Examples
List of example projects of how to use oat++ framework
224. Shiva
Modern Cross-Platform C++ Engine with modularity (MIT). Maintains here:
225. Braintree
C++ behavior tree single header library
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226. Zas
Access MYSQL database with other sql languages(for example, ORACLE's sql)
227. Umpire
An application-focused API for memory management on NUMA & GPU architectures
228. Operators
A highly efficient, move-aware operators library
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229. Core
Server core components which are a part of ONLYOFFICE Document Server
230. Taopq
C++ client library for PostgreSQL
231. Mypoorwebserver
基于tinyhttpd和《Linux高性能服务器编程》改编的个人破产版HTTP WebServer服务器,哈哈~
232. Luwra
Minimal-overhead C++ wrapper for Lua
233. Cs libguarded
Header-only library for multithreaded programming
234. Kshare
The free and open source and cross platform screen sharing software.
235. Cubbyflow
Voxel-based fluid simulation engine for computer games
236. Ebooks
A repository for ebooks, including C, C plus plus, Linux Kernel, Compiler, OS, Algorithm, Security, Database, Network, ML and DL
237. Kdiskmark
A simple open-source disk benchmark tool for Linux distros
238. Pomdog
An open source game engine for C++20 🐶 🎮
239. Xray 15
X-Ray Engine 1.5 expansion. Original version was used in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.
241. Opends
Template Library of Data Structures in C++17
242. Keras Serving
bring keras-models to production with tensorflow-serving and nodejs + docker 🍕
243. Evilml
A compiler from ML to C++ template language
244. Iswasmfast
Performance comparison of WebAssembly, C++ Addon, and native implementations of various algorithms in Node.js.
245. Logic
CMake, SystemVerilog and SystemC utilities for creating, building and testing RTL projects for FPGAs and ASICs.
247. Monocular Visual Odometry
A simple monocular visual odometry (part of vSLAM) by ORB keypoints with initialization, tracking, local map and bundle adjustment. (WARNING: Hi, I'm sorry that this project is just tuned for course demo, not for real world applications !!!)
248. Rangeless
c++ LINQ -like library of higher-order functions for data manipulation
250. Fastolympiccoding
Tools for competitive programming for Sublime Text 3