Top 1118 cpp open source projects

151. Qmarkdowntextedit
A C++ Qt QPlainTextEdit widget with markdown highlighting support and a lot of other extras
152. Clang Expand
🐉 A clang tool for happy refactoring without source-code gymnastics
153. Px sched
Single Header C++11 Task Scheduler
154. Kahip
KaHIP -- Karlsruhe HIGH Quality Partitioning.
155. Tldr C Client
C command-line client for tldr pages
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156. Pdi
PDI: Panorama Depth Image
157. Leetcode
LeetCode solutions, written in python and cpp(LeetCode解题报告,记录自己的leetcode成长之路)
162. Ig
🎆 Include graph visualization for C++
163. Cod Exploits
☠️ Call of Duty - Vulnerabilities and proof-of-concepts
164. Pydp
A python wrapper for
166. Webassembly Examples
From Simple To Complex. A complete collection of webassembly examples.
167. Nanorpc
nanorpc - lightweight RPC in pure C++ 17
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168. Qxorm
QxOrm library - C++ Qt ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and ODM (Object Document Mapper) library - Official repository
169. Data Structures And Algorithms In Cpp
This repository is in development phase and will soon provide you with c++ code of various data structures and algorithms
170. Tinywindow
a cross platform (Linux and Windows) OpenGL window library in a single header
171. Emojicpp
Emoji 😄 for c++ developers 👍
173. Arduino For Keil
A lightweight Arduino framework for Keil projects.
174. Docker Clion Dev
Debugging C++ in a Docker Container with CLion IDE
177. Sobjectizer
An implementation of Actor, Publish-Subscribe, and CSP models in one rather small C++ framework. With performance, quality, and stability proved by years in the production.
178. Keyvi
Keyvi - a key value index that powers Cliqz search engine. It is an in-memory FST-based data structure highly optimized for size and lookup performance.
179. Fbx
C++ Library for reading and writing FBX files
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180. Sfc
rc is rust in c++
181. Modernroboticscpp
Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning, and Control C++ Library --- The primary purpose of the provided software is to be easy to read and educational, reinforcing the concepts in the book. The code is optimized neither for efficiency nor robustness.
182. Mapgen Viewer
Map generator based on Voronoi Diagram and Perlin noise
183. Robomaster2018 Seu Opensource
This is the open source project for RoboMaster 2018 contest from Southeast University
184. Qui
185. Webcc
Lightweight C++ HTTP client and server library based on Asio for embedding purpose.
186. Ppk assert
PPK_ASSERT is a cross platform drop-in & self-contained C++ assertion library
188. Pegparser
💡 Build your own programming language! A C++17 PEG parser generator supporting parser combination, memoization, left-recursion and context-dependent grammars.
190. Pytubes
A module for getting data into python from large data sources
191. Caliper
Caliper is an instrumentation and performance profiling library
192. Anno1800 Mod Loader
The one and only mod loader for Anno 1800, supports loading of unpacked RDA files, XML merging and Python mods.
193. Cpp Awesome Pack
Awesome Sample Pack of C/C++ Codes
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194. Xresloader
195. Laminar
Fast and lightweight Continuous Integration
196. Nettop
Utility to show network traffic (both TCP and UDP v4 and v6) split by process and remote host
197. Span
Implementation of C++20's std::span for older compilers
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198. Samrai
Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Application Infrastructure - a scalable C++ framework for block-structured AMR application development
199. Keyvi
Keyvi - the key value index. It is an in-memory FST-based data structure highly optimized for size and lookup performance.
200. Khiva
An open-source library of algorithms to analyse time series in GPU and CPU.