All Git Users → mithi

20 open source projects by mithi

1. Fusion Ukf
An unscented Kalman Filter implementation for fusing lidar and radar sensor measurements.
2. Robotics Coursework
🤖 Places where you can learn robotics (and stuff like that) online 🤖
3. Rusty Genes
Genetic algorithm implementations in Rust with animated visualizations
4. Algorithm Playground
An (old) and unstructured (messy tbh) collection of programming exercises.
5. Advanced Lane Detection
An advanced lane-finding algorithm using distortion correction, image rectification, color transforms, and gradient thresholding.
6. Simple Cryptography
Scripts that illustrate basic cryptography concepts based on Coursera Standford Cryptography I course and more.
7. Point Cloud Filter
Scripts showcasing filtering techniques applied to point cloud data.
8. Particle Filter Prototype
Particle Filter Implementations in Python and C++, with lecture notes and visualizations
12. hello-3d-world
Plot 3d points, lines, and polygon on an svg. A demonstration of what you can do with the BareMinimum3d package
14. react-philosophies
🧘 Things I think about when I write React code 🧘
15. fusion-ekf
An extended Kalman Filter implementation in C++ for fusing lidar and radar sensor measurements.
16. point-cloud-clusters
A catkin workspace in ROS which uses DBSCAN to identify which points in a point cloud belong to the same object.
17. mpc
A software pipeline using the Model Predictive Control method to drive a car around a virtual track.
18. highway-path-planning
My path-planning pipeline to navigate a car safely around a virtual highway with other traffic.
19. crypto
Is Bitcoin cloud mining profitable? Check the notebook to find out! (Not Clickbait)
1-20 of 20 user projects