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Top 803 convolutional-neural-networks open source projects

🙈A PyTorch implementation of the paper "Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks." (ECCV 2014)
Detect and recognize The Simpsons characters using Keras and Faster R-CNN
Cnn Sentence Classification Pytorch
Implementation of Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification (Y.Kim, EMNLP 2014) on Pytorch.
Pytorch Vfi Cft
Generate slow-motion videos by interpolating more frames
[ECCV 2018] Sparsely Aggreagated Convolutional Networks
Rcnn Text Classification
Tensorflow Implementation of "Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Text Classification" (AAAI 2015)
[CVPR19] DeepCO3: Deep Instance Co-segmentation by Co-peak Search and Co-saliency (Oral paper)
Javascript/WebAssembly deep learning library for MLPs and convolutional neural networks
Interactive convnet features visualization for Keras
Data augmentation using synthetic data for time series classification with deep residual networks
This repository contains the code of HyperDenseNet, a hyper-densely connected CNN to segment medical images in multi-modal image scenarios.
Densely Residual Laplacian Super-resolution, IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2020
Ti Pooling
TI-pooling: transformation-invariant pooling for feature learning in Convolutional Neural Networks
Food101 Coreml
A CoreML model which classifies images of food
Experimental codes for paper "Outer Product-based Neural Collaborative Filtering".
This project is an aid to the blind. Till date there has been no technological advancement in the way the blind navigate. So I have used deep learning particularly convolutional neural networks so that they can navigate through the streets.
Style Transfer
A Keras Implementation of "A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style"
All Conv Keras
All Convolutional Network: ( implementation in Keras
Region Ensemble Network
Repository for Region Ensemble Network based Hand Pose Estimation
Deep K Means Pytorch
[ICML 2018] "Deep k-Means: Re-Training and Parameter Sharing with Harder Cluster Assignments for Compressing Deep Convolutions"
Artificial neural network classes and tools in Python and TensorFlow.
Cinc Challenge2017
ECG classification from short single lead segments (Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2017 entry)
Computer Vision library for human-computer interaction. It implements Head Pose and Gaze Direction Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Skin Detection through Backprojection, Motion Detection and Tracking, Saliency Map.
Sigver wiwd
Learned representation for Offline Handwritten Signature Verification. Models and code to extract features from signature images.
Shiftresnet Cifar
ResNet with Shift, Depthwise, or Convolutional Operations for CIFAR-100, CIFAR-10 on PyTorch
Rul Net
Deep learning approach for estimation of Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of an engine
Cs231n Convolutional Neural Networks Solutions
Assignment solutions for the CS231n course taught by Stanford on visual recognition. Spring 2017 solutions are for both deep learning frameworks: TensorFlow and PyTorch.
Pytorch Estimate Flops
Estimate/count FLOPS for a given neural network using pytorch
DensePoint: Learning Densely Contextual Representation for Efficient Point Cloud Processing (ICCV 2019)
Using Machine Learning to predict the type of exercise from movement data
Steady State Flow With Neural Nets
A Tensorflow re-implementation of the paper Convolutional Neural Networks for Steady Flow Approximation
Mp Cnn Torch
Multi-Perspective Convolutional Neural Networks for modeling textual similarity (He et al., EMNLP 2015)
Idn Caffe
Caffe implementation of "Fast and Accurate Single Image Super-Resolution via Information Distillation Network" (CVPR 2018)
Y-Net: Joint Segmentation and Classification for Diagnosis of Breast Biopsy Images
Antialiased Cnns
pip install antialiased-cnns to improve stability and accuracy
121-180 of 803 convolutional-neural-networks projects