Top 203 datepicker open source projects

CircularPicker is helpful for creating a controller aimed to manage any calculated parameter.
Vue2 Datepicker
A datepicker / datetimepicker component for Vue2
Horizontal Calendar
A material horizontal calendar view for Android based on RecyclerView
⚠️ [Deprecated] No longer maintained. A simple jQuery datepicker plugin.
Material Vue Daterange Picker
a date-range-picker follows the Material Design spec powered by vue.js (alpha)
This is a custom android holo datepicker timepicker
layDate(日期与时间组件) 是 layui 独立维护的三大组件之一
React Native Jalali Datepicker
📅 React Native Jalali DatePicker component for both Android and iOS ✨
Intl Date Time
International DateTime for Laravel Nova
Vue Mj Daterangepicker
🗓Vue.js date range picker with multiples ranges and presets (vue 2.x)
日期选择器,支持年、年月、年月日、年月日时、年月日时分、年月日时分秒、月日、月日时、月日时分、月日时分秒、时、时分、时分秒、分秒、月日周 时分等
React Calendar
A React Native inspired date list renderer
React Picky Date Time
A react component for date time picker. Online demo examples
iOS 7+ Calendar (Date Picker) with Infinite Scrolling.
Vue Datetime
Mobile friendly datetime picker for Vue. Supports date and datetime modes, i18n and more.
React Nice Dates
A responsive, touch-friendly, and modular date picker library for React.
Vue Calendar
🏆 基于 vue 2.0 开发的轻量,高性能日历组件
Vue Flatpickr Component
Vue.js component for Flatpickr datetime picker 📆
React Native Date Picker
React Native Date Picker is an inline datepicker for Android and iOS. It includes date, time and datetime picker modes. The datepicker is customizable and is supporting different languages. It's written with native code to achieve the best possible look, feel and performance.
Date Range Picker is a Calendar Picker View to show a Customized Date Range Picker with improved UI and functionality to add subtitles to the dates
Ionic Datepicker
'ionic-datepicker' bower component for ionic framework applications
Really simple, powerful, customizable and lightweight standalone datepicker
Alerts And Pickers
Advanced usage of UIAlertController and pickers based on it: Telegram, Contacts, Location, PhotoLibrary, Country, Phone Code, Currency, Date...
安卓选择器类库,包括日期及时间选择器(可用于出生日期、营业时间等)、单项选择器(可用于性别、民族、职业、学历、星座等)、二三级联动选择器(可用于车牌号、基金定投日期等)、城市地址选择器(分省级、地市级及区县级)、数字选择器(可用于年龄、身高、体重、温度等)、日历选日期择器(可用于酒店及机票预定日期)、颜色选择器、文件及目录选择器、图片选择器等……WheelPicker/DatePicker/TimePicker/OptionPicker/NumberPicker/LinkagePicker/AddressPicker/CarPlatePicker/CalendarPicker/ColorPicker/FilePicker/ImagePicker etc.
Angular Moment Picker
Angular Moment Picker is an AngularJS directive for date and time picker using Moment.js.
Javascript jalali calendar capable datepicker widget
Vue Airbnb Style Datepicker
A VueJs datepicker with a similar look and functionality as the popular AirBnb datepicker.
Angular Datepicker
Angularjs datepicker module, generate a datepicker on your input element -
Jtsage Datebox
A multi-mode date and time picker for Bootstrap (3&4), jQueryMobile, Foundation, Bulma, FomanticUI, and UIKit (or others)
BunnyJS - Lightweight native (vanilla) JavaScript (JS) and ECMAScript 6 (ES6) browser library, package of small stand-alone components without dependencies: FormData, upload, image preview, HTML5 validation, Autocomplete, Dropdown, Calendar, Datepicker, Ajax, Datatable, Pagination, URL, Template engine, Element positioning, smooth scrolling, routing, inversion of control and more. Simple syntax and architecture. Next generation jQuery and front-end framework. Documentation and examples available.
jeDate V6.5.0 是一款原生JS开发的 不依赖任何第三方库 大众化的日期控件,她身兼多职,虽不是万能的,但是她却是功能强大多样的美少女,她除了包含 单双面板、区域选择、 多语言、日历固定、有效无效日期、日期时间戳转换、日期加减、限制时分秒、初始化日期加减N、日期标注点、设定年月(YYYY-MM)、日期范围限制、开始日期设定、自定义日期格式、当天的前后若干天返回、时分秒选择、智能响应、自动纠错、节日识别,操作等常规功能外,根据不同的日期格式,显示不同内容,还拥有更多趋近完美的解决方案。更多的是需要你与她的亲密接触与呵护!
Angular2 based Material Design components, directives and services are Accordion, Autocomplete, Collapse, Colorpicker, Datepicker, Dialog(Modal), Menu, Multiselect, Select, Tabs, Tags(Chips), Toast and Tooltip.
Angular Datepicker
Highly configurable date picker built for Angular applications
React Infinite Calendar
✨ Infinite scrolling date-picker built with React, with localization, range selection, themes, keyboard support, and more.
Vue Persian Datetime Picker
A vue plugin to select jalali date and time
Zebra datepicker
A super-lightweight, highly configurable, cross-browser date / time picker jQuery plugin
Android Switchdatetimepicker
Android library for Date and Time Picker in same dialog
LazyDatePicker an alternative to the native Android Date Picker 📅
SwiftUI Simple Calendar / Date Picker for iOS
Yet another datepicker for iOS
Vue Functional Calendar
Vue.js Functional Calendar | Component/Package
📅 Inline/Expanding date picker for table views.
A styleable DatePicker for Android using the old spinner style (NumberPickers)
⚠️ [Deprecated] No longer maintained. JavaScript date time picker.
61-120 of 203 datepicker projects