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Top 323 deep-reinforcement-learning open source projects

Drl Portfolio Management
CSCI 599 deep learning and its applications final project
Reinforcementlearning Atarigame
Pytorch LSTM RNN for reinforcement learning to play Atari games from OpenAI Universe. We also use Google Deep Mind's Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C) Algorithm. This is much superior and efficient than DQN and obsoletes it. Can play on many games
Hierarchical Actor Critic Hac Pytorch
PyTorch implementation of Hierarchical Actor Critic (HAC) for OpenAI gym environments
Tetris Ai
A deep reinforcement learning bot that plays tetris
A3c Pytorch
PyTorch implementation of Advantage async actor-critic Algorithms (A3C) in PyTorch
DeepTraffic is a deep reinforcement learning competition, part of the MIT Deep Learning series.
Easy Rl
Aws Robomaker Sample Application Deepracer
Use AWS RoboMaker and demonstrate running a simulation which trains a reinforcement learning (RL) model to drive a car around a track
Macad Gym
Multi-Agent Connected Autonomous Driving (MACAD) Gym environments for Deep RL. Code for the paper presented in the Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving Workshop at NeurIPS 2019:
Exploration By Disagreement
[ICML 2019] TensorFlow Code for Self-Supervised Exploration via Disagreement
Samsung Drl Code
Repository for codes of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) lectured at Samsung
Deep Reinforcement Learning With Pytorch
PyTorch implementation of DQN, AC, ACER, A2C, A3C, PG, DDPG, TRPO, PPO, SAC, TD3 and ....
Deeprl algorithms
DeepRL algorithms implementation easy for understanding and reading with Pytorch and Tensorflow 2(DQN, REINFORCE, VPG, A2C, TRPO, PPO, DDPG, TD3, SAC)
Awesome Deep Reinforcement Learning
Curated list for Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL): software frameworks, models, datasets, gyms, baselines...
Drl Rec
Deep reinforcement learning for recommendation system
Cs234 Reinforcement Learning Winter 2019
My Solutions of Assignments of CS234: Reinforcement Learning Winter 2019
My Solution to Assignments of CS234
Learning Notes
💡 Repo of learning notes in DRL and DL, theory, codes, models and notes maybe.
Explore and find reinforcement learning environments in a list of 150+ open source environments.
Awesome System For Machine Learning
A curated list of research in machine learning system. I also summarize some papers if I think they are really interesting.
Noreward Rl
[ICML 2017] TensorFlow code for Curiosity-driven Exploration for Deep Reinforcement Learning
Torch Ac
Recurrent and multi-process PyTorch implementation of deep reinforcement Actor-Critic algorithms A2C and PPO
Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning
Pytorch Nec
PyTorch Implementation of Neural Episodic Control (NEC)
Drl papernotes
Notes and comments about Deep Reinforcement Learning papers
Malmo Challenge
Malmo Collaborative AI Challenge - Team Pig Catcher
Code for reproducing experiments in Model-Based Active Exploration, ICML 2019
Drl paper summary
Summary of key papers in deep reinforcement learning. Heavily based on OpenAI SpinningUp.
Reproducing MuJoCo benchmarks in a modern, commercial game /physics engine (Unity + PhysX).
Async Deeprl
Playing Atari games with TensorFlow implementation of Asynchronous Deep Q-Learning
Deterministic Gail Pytorch
PyTorch implementation of Deterministic Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) for Off Policy learning
Deep Q Learning
Minimal Deep Q Learning (DQN & DDQN) implementations in Keras
Solved lab problems, slides and notes of the Deep Reinforcement Learning bootcamp 2017 held at UCBerkeley
Implementation of the Deep Q-learning algorithm to solve MDPs
Parl Sample
Deep reinforcement learning using baidu PARL(maze,flappy bird and so on)
Reinforcement Learning / AI Bots in Card (Poker) Games - Blackjack, Leduc, Texas, DouDizhu, Mahjong, UNO.
Left Shift
Using deep reinforcement learning to tackle the game 2048.
Minecraft Reinforcement Learning
Deep Recurrent Q-Learning vs Deep Q Learning on a simple Partially Observable Markov Decision Process with Minecraft
A High Level Python Deep Reinforcement Learning library. Great for beginners, prototyping and quickly comparing algorithms
Pytorch A3c
PyTorch implementation of Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic (A3C) from "Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning".
Notes on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Natural Language Processing papers
Pytorch Rdpg
PyTorch Implementation of the RDPG (Recurrent Deterministic Policy Gradient)
61-120 of 323 deep-reinforcement-learning projects