Top 499 numpy open source projects

Pybind11 opencv numpy
Implementation of cv::Mat conversion to numpy.array for pybind11
A Python wrapper of NVIDIA Video Loader (NVVL) with CuPy for fast video loading with Python
Pymc Example Project
Example PyMC3 project for performing Bayesian data analysis using a probabilistic programming approach to machine learning.
Connected Components 3d
Connected components on multilabel 3D & 2D images. Handles 26, 18, and 6 connected variants.
A two-way connector to use regular Python from IronPython in Rhino/Grasshopper, and vice-versa.
ROOT I/O in pure Python and NumPy.
Tiledb Py
Python interface to the TileDB storage manager
Learning python
Source material for Python Like You Mean it
A pure-python/numpy autograd tensor library
Docker Alpine Python Machinelearning
Small Docker image with Python Machine Learning tools (~180MB)
Dicom Numpy
Properly generate a 3D numpy array from a set of DICOM files.
Accurate sums and dot products for Python.
Cloud Volume
Read and write Neuroglancer datasets programmatically.
Dicomweb Client
Python client for DICOMweb RESTful services
Parallel computing with task scheduling
Perlin Numpy
A fast and simple perlin noise generator using numpy
A series of self-correcting challenges for practicing your Machine Learning and Deep Learning skills
Numpy ringbuffer
Ring-buffer implementation that thinly wraps a numpy array
Numpy Convnet
A small and pure Numpy Convolutional Neural Network library.
Numerical Linear Algebra
Free online textbook of Jupyter notebooks for Computational Linear Algebra course
Ncar Python Tutorial
Numerical & Scientific Computing with Python Tutorial
Eulerian Remote Heartrate Detection
Remote heart rate detection through Eulerian magnification of face videos
Курс "Введение в машинное обучение" (ВМК, МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова)
Machine Learning
notebooks with example for machine learning examples
An easy way to use for view's empty state 一行代码显示空视图,高度自定义
阿布量化交易系统(股票,期权,期货,比特币,机器学习) 基于python的开源量化交易,量化投资架构
Package to call Python functions from the Julia language
High-level DICOM abstractions for the Python programming language
Model Free Episodic Control
This is the implementation of paper Model Free Episodic Control
A c++ header library for matrix operation inspired Numpy Scipy, MATLAB only using Eigen.
A High Level Python Deep Reinforcement Learning library. Great for beginners, prototyping and quickly comparing algorithms
The book was written and tested with Python 3.5, though other Python versions (including Python 2.7) should work in nearly all cases.
Python+Numpy+OpenGL: fast, scalable and beautiful scientific visualization
High Performance Computation for N-D Tensors in .NET, similar API to NumPy.
Gym Alttp Gridworld
A gym environment for Stuart Armstrong's model of a treacherous turn.
tensorboard for pytorch (and chainer, mxnet, numpy, ...)
Eliot: the logging system that tells you *why* it happened
Pyda 2e Zh
📖 [译] 利用 Python 进行数据分析 · 第 2 版
napari: a fast, interactive, multi-dimensional image viewer for python
Machine Learning Experiments
🤖 Interactive Machine Learning experiments: 🏋️models training + 🎨models demo
Numpy neural net
A simple neural network (multilayer perceptron) with backpropagation implemented in Python with NumPy
Probabilistic programming with NumPy powered by JAX for autograd and JIT compilation to GPU/TPU/CPU.
A Python implementation of Sky Region Detection in a Single Image for Autonomous Ground Robot Navigation (Shen and Wang, 2013)
A naive (very simple!) implementation of a convolutional neural network
This repository contains small projects related to Neural Networks and Deep Learning in general. Subjects are closely linekd with articles I publish on Medium. I encourage you both to read as well as to check how the code works in the action.