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Top 1237 serverless open source projects

Aws Serverless Cicd Workshop
Learn how to build a CI/CD pipeline for SAM-based applications
Dapr is a portable, event-driven, runtime for building distributed applications across cloud and edge.
List Lambdas
Enumerate Lambda functions across all regions with useful metadata 💡💵⚙
Gine Blog
Blog = Gatsby + React + Material-UI + Notion + Netlify
Sample Stripe Handler
Serverless function that uses the stripe api for a checkout process in a Vue application
Aws Amplify Workshop React
Building Serverless React Applications with AWS Amplify
Serverless Core
Serverless Core module for Nest framework (node.js) 🦊
Every developer deserves the right of creating microservices without using any framework 🤍
Webrtc Qr
WebRTC Connect Experiment -
TencentCloud Serverless
Appsync Refarch Realtime
AWS AppSync Real-Time Reference Architecture
Serverless Php
PHP for AWS Lambda via Serverless Framework
Azure Logic Apps labs, samples, and tools
Streaming At Scale
How to implement a streaming at scale solution in Azure
Graphql Genie
Simply pass in your GraphQL type defintions and get a fully featured GraphQL API with referential integrity, inverse updates, subscriptions and role based access control that can be used client side or server side.
Elliot Serverless Ecommerce
Elliot - Serverless eCommerce Storefront. 100% headless & serverless. Built with Next.js & one-click deployable on Vercel. 100% cross border ready; deploy, sell & ship to 130+ countries instantly, no credit card required. Join us as contributor ([email protected]).
Serverless Sentry Plugin
This plugin adds automatic forwarding of errors and exceptions to Sentry ( and Serverless (
Azure Function Express
⚡️Allows Express.js usage with Azure Functions
Anime2Selfie Backend Services - Lambda, Queue, API Gateway and traffic processing
Literature Clock
Clock using time quotes from the literature, based on the work of Jaap Meijers
Serverless Book
A book about the Framework v1
Denyenv Validating Admission Webhook
An Kubernetes validating admission webhook that rejects pods that use environment variables.
A lib make building AWS Lambda compatible layer easily
Amplify Photo Sharing Workshop
Building full-stack cloud apps with AWS Amplify and React
Serverless Sam
Serverless framework plugin to export AWS SAM templates for a service
Serverless Dynamodb Autoscaling
Serverless Plugin for Amazon DynamoDB Auto Scaling configuration.
Serverless Pg
A package for managing PostgreSQL connections at SERVERLESS scale
Deploy static websites in seconds - with HTTPS, a global CDN, and custom domains.
Tcb Demo Basic
Project Flogo is an open source ecosystem of opinionated event-driven capabilities to simplify building efficient & modern serverless functions, microservices & edge apps.
Serverless load testing for replaying website traffic. Powered by AWS Lambda.
Disposable Cloud Environment
Graphql Recipes
A list of GraphQL recipes that, when used with the Amplify CLI, will deploy an entire AWS AppSync GraphQL backend.
A monitoring/debugging UI tool for Azure Durable Functions
Cra Serverless
Serverless pre-rendering (SSR) for React SPA using AWS Lambda, S3, and CloudFront.
Sessions With Aws Sam
This repo contains all the SAM templates created in the Twitch series #SessionsWithSAM. The show is every Thursday on Twitch at 10 AM PDT.
Aws Lambda Scala
Writing AWS Lambdas in Scala
Function process via docker provider (serverless minimalist)
Dynamo Easy
DynamoDB client for NodeJS and browser with a fluent api to build requests. We take care of the type mapping between JS and DynamoDB, customizable trough typescript decorators.
Serverless computing platform combining container-based resource isolation and lightweight execution model with processes to significantly reduce function startup latency and improve resource efficiency. Works in Knative and bare metal/VM environments.
Aws Codebuild Jenkins Plugin
AWS CodeBuild integration as a Jenkins build step.
Serverless Openwhisk
Adds Apache OpenWhisk support to the Serverless Framework!
Composer is a new programming model for composing cloud functions built on Apache OpenWhisk.
Designing Cloud Native Microservices On Aws
Introduce a fluent way to design cloud native microservices via EventStorming workshop, this is a hands-on workshop. Contains such topics: DDD, Event storming, Specification by example. Including the AWS product : Serverless Lambda , DynamoDB, Fargate, CloudWatch.
121-180 of 1237 serverless projects