Top 157 vue-component open source projects

V Distpicker
✨ A flexible, highly available district picker for picking provinces, cities and districts of China.
Vue Responsive Calendar
A responsive calendar component for Vue.js
Vue Js Toggle Button
🍥 Vue.js 2 toggle / switch button - simple, pretty, customizable
Vue Flatpickr Component
Vue.js component for Flatpickr datetime picker 📆
Vue implementation of Geist
Vue Qrcode
QR code component for Vue.js
Vue Pull To
⚡️ A pull-down refresh and pull-up load more and infinite scroll component for Vue.js --Vue下拉刷新组件
Vue Typer
Vue component that simulates a user typing, selecting, and erasing text.
Vue Star Rating
⭐️ A simple, highly customisable star rating component for Vue 2.x. / 3.x
Vue Json Pretty
A JSON tree view component that is easy to use and also supports data selection.
Vue Google Autocomplete
A Vue.js autosuggest component for the Google Places API.
Vue Slick Carousel
🚥Vue Slick Carousel with True SSR Written for ⚡Faster Luxstay
A PDF viewer for Vue using Mozilla's PDF.js
Vue Gallery
📷 Responsive and customizable image and video gallery, carousel and lightbox, optimized for both mobile and desktop web browsers.
Vue Select
Everything you wish the HTML <select> element could do, wrapped up into a lightweight, extensible Vue component.
Vue Countdown
Countdown component for Vue.js.
Vue Popper
🐳 VueJS popover component based popper.js
Vue Tree Chart
A vue2 component to display tree chart
🍎Transform an SVG icon into multiple themes, and generate React icons,Vue icons,svg icons
Vue Countup V2
Vue.js component wrap for countUp.js
Vue Flow Form
Create conversational conditional-logic forms with Vue.js.
Vue Draggable Nested Tree
Please use the he-tree-vue, vue-draggable-nested-tree will no longer be maintained.
思维导图Vue组件 - mindmap: vue component
Vue Search Select
A Vue.js search select component
Vue Cute Timeline
A cute timeline component for Vue.js.
Vue Float Menu
🎈Customizable floating menu for Vue
Maybe it is the smallest vue component that contains all the feather icons
A minimalist Vue component wrapping Mapbox GL or MapLibre GL for dynamic interaction!
Laravel Enso file management add-on for smoothing out some of common cases found when working with files
Vue component of an awesome configurable carousel
📦 Fast, Simple, and Lightweight State Manager for Vue 3.0 built with composition API, inspired by Vuex.
A component to use Flickr justified layout with Vue.
👜 A Provider Component that encapsulate your forms and handle their states and validations.
A vue component for better digital transform animation
An unofficial Vue.js component for MoneyButton.
Bring your scroll game to the next level!
基于 Vue 和 AntV/G2 的可视化组件库 📈
61-120 of 157 vue-component projects