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Top 600 metrics open source projects

Go Statsd Client
statsd client for Go
Influxdb exporter
A server that accepts InfluxDB metrics via the HTTP API and exports them via HTTP for Prometheus consumption
Ngx Dynamic Dashboard Framework
This is a JSON driven angular x based dashboard framework that is inspired by JIRA's dashboard implementation and
Django web interface for managing Yara rules
Opbeat Node
DEPRECATED - See Elastic APM instead:
Load testing tool, inspired by Locust
Minecraft Prometheus Exporter
A Bukkit plugin which exports minecraft server stats to Prometheus
Bull exporter
Prometheus exporter for Bull metrics
Awsmobile Cli
CLI experience for Frontend developers in the JavaScript ecosystem.
Swift Application Metrics instruments the Swift runtime for performance monitoring, providing the monitoring data programatically via an API or visually with an Eclipse Client.
Telemetry metrics
Collect and aggregate Telemetry events over time
Redis exporter
Prometheus Exporter for Redis Metrics. Supports Redis 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x and 6.x
Prometheus Sql
Service that exposes Prometheus metrics for a SQL result set.
Kafka Monitor
Xinfra Monitor monitors the availability of Kafka clusters by producing synthetic workloads using end-to-end pipelines to obtain derived vital statistics - E2E latency, service produce/consume availability, offsets commit availability & latency, message loss rate and more.
Kubernetes cluster autoscaler with pluggable metrics backends and scaling engines
Web Vitals Module
Web Vitals: Essential module for a healthy Nuxt.js
NodeJS package for iTunes Connect app analytics API
Perf Tools
⏱→ 🚀A set of tools for improving performance your application (balancer, performance, PerfKeeper, LazyPromise).
LinDB is a scalable, high performance, high availability distributed time series database.
an open source solution to application performance monitoring for java server applications
Sidekiq Prometheus Exporter
All the basic metrics of Sidekiq with pluggable contribs prepared for Prometheus
🐿 netty,zookeeper,spring,kyro rpc framework.
Go Http Metrics
Go modular http middleware to measure HTTP requests independent of metrics backend (with Prometheus and OpenCensus as backend implementations) and http framework/library
Ecs Exporter
Export AWS ECS cluster metrics to Prometheus
Prometheus To Cloudwatch
Utility for scraping Prometheus metrics from a Prometheus client endpoint and publishing them to CloudWatch
Starlette Prometheus
Prometheus integration for Starlette.
Opencensus Csharp
Distributed tracing and stats collecting framework
Python code for various NLP metrics
Create plots from Prometheus metrics and send them to you
Statsd Vis
Standalone StatsD server with built-in visualization
Rabbitmq Prometheus
A minimalistic Prometheus exporter of core RabbitMQ metrics
Icinga is a monitoring system which checks the availability of your network resources, notifies users of outages, and generates performance data for reporting.
Bigbluebutton Exporter
Prometheus exporter for BigBlueButton
Phoenix live dashboard
Realtime dashboard with metrics, request logging, plus storage, OS and VM insights
C/C++ Dependency Analyzer: a rewrite of John Lakos' dep_utils (adep/cdep/ldep) from "Large-Scale C++ Software Design"
Browser Metrics
A collection of metrics tools for measuring performance ⚡️
A web app for ranking computer science departments according to their research output in selective venues, and for finding active faculty across a wide range of areas.
Client java
Prometheus instrumentation library for JVM applications
Collecting metrics over discrete time intervals
Real-time monitoring of IT components and services, such as networks, servers, VMs, applications and the cloud.
Trello Kanban Analysis Tool
💤 [Not maintained] Analyse Kanban metrics from a Trello board -
Memcached exporter
Exports metrics from memcached servers for consumption by Prometheus.
PyTorch Image Quality Assessement package
The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more.
61-120 of 600 metrics projects