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Top 962 reinforcement-learning open source projects

API to run VirtualHome, a Multi-Agent Household Simulator
Tools for using computer algebra systems to solve math problems step-by-step with reinforcement learning
Explore and find reinforcement learning environments in a list of 150+ open source environments.
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning material, code and exercises for Udacity Nanodegree programs.
CausalWorld: A Robotic Manipulation Benchmark for Causal Structure and Transfer Learning
Rl ardrone
Autonomous Navigation of UAV using Reinforcement Learning algorithms.
OpenAI Gym wrapper for the DeepMind Control Suite
Rl Workshop
Reinforcement Learning Workshop for Data Science BKK
Doom-based AI Research Platform for Reinforcement Learning from Raw Visual Information.
Trading Gym
A Trading environment base on Gym
Pytorch Looking Fast And Slow
PyTorch implementation of Looking Fast and Slow: Memory-Guided Mobile Video Object Detection
Torch Ac
Recurrent and multi-process PyTorch implementation of deep reinforcement Actor-Critic algorithms A2C and PPO
Reinforcement Learning in JavaScript
A power network simulator with a Reinforcement Learning-focused usage.
Setting Up Carla Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning Environment for CARLA Autonomous Driving Simulator
👤 Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithms Library (MAB) 👮
📈 Personae is a repo of implements and environment of Deep Reinforcement Learning & Supervised Learning for Quantitative Trading.
Drl papernotes
Notes and comments about Deep Reinforcement Learning papers
tensorflow deep RL for driving a rover around
Code for reproducing experiments in Model-Based Active Exploration, ICML 2019
Galvanise zero
Learning from zero (mostly based off of AlphaZero) in General Game Playing.
Nlp overview
Overview of Modern Deep Learning Techniques Applied to Natural Language Processing
Nlg Rl
Accelerated Reinforcement Learning for Sentence Generation by Vocabulary Prediction
A Multi-agent Learning Framework
Code for paper "End-to-End Reinforcement Learning for Automatic Taxonomy Induction", ACL 2018
Ml Surveys
📋 Survey papers summarizing advances in deep learning, NLP, CV, graphs, reinforcement learning, recommendations, graphs, etc.
Reinforcement Learning
Implementation of Reinforcement Learning algorithms in Python, based on Sutton's & Barto's Book (Ed. 2)
Some JavaScript works published as demos, mostly ML or DS
Collection of reinforcement learners implemented in python. Mainly including DQN and its variants
Implementation of q-learning using TensorFlow
Policy Gradient Methods
Implementation of Algorithms from the Policy Gradient Family. Currently includes: A2C, A3C, DDPG, TD3, SAC
Gym Minigrid
Minimalistic gridworld package for OpenAI Gym
Holodeck Engine
High Fidelity Simulator for Reinforcement Learning and Robotics Research.
DHER: Hindsight Experience Replay for Dynamic Goals (ICLR-2019)
Reproducing MuJoCo benchmarks in a modern, commercial game /physics engine (Unity + PhysX).
Reinforcement learning
Predict/log/learn/update reinforcement learning loop
Biped trajectory optimization
Implementing trajectory optimization on bipedal system
Async Deeprl
Playing Atari games with TensorFlow implementation of Asynchronous Deep Q-Learning
Deterministic Gail Pytorch
PyTorch implementation of Deterministic Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) for Off Policy learning
Open source collection of Reinforcement Learning Environments.
Gym Gridworlds
Gridworld environments for OpenAI gym.
241-300 of 962 reinforcement-learning projects