Top 926 csharp open source projects

152. Blazor Dragdrop
Easy-to-use Drag and Drop Library for Blazor
153. Crypto Notepad
🔑 Simple notepad for Windows with encryption features
155. Bitframework
Full stack dev framework for C# / TypeScript / JavaScript developers
156. Dotnetomdgenerator
A Roslyn-based cross-platform tool that generates an object model diagram from a set of C# source files or assemblies
158. Category Theory For Dotnet Programmers
This repo contains all c++ / haskell samples from Bartosz Milewski's book (Category Theory for Programmers) converted to csharp and fsharp
159. Mathnet Filtering
Math.NET Filtering (formerly Neodym)
161. Weihanli.npoi
NPOI Extensions, excel/csv importer/exporter for IEnumerable<T>/DataTable, fluentapi(great flexibility)/attribute configuration
162. Ffmediatoolkit
FFMediaToolkit is a cross-platform video decoder/encoder library for .NET that uses FFmpeg native libraries. It supports video frames extraction, reading stream metadata and creating videos from bitmaps in any format supported by FFmpeg.
163. Documentlayoutanalysis
Document Layout Analysis resources repos for development with PdfPig.
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164. Uno.quickstart
An Uno "Hello world!" project using Windows UWP, iOS, Android and WebAssembly
166. Unity3d Python Communication
⚡️ A very fast, simple, and general inter-process communication example between Unity3D C# and Python, using ZeroMQ
167. Nacos Sdk Csharp
🌹 nacos csharp sdk
168. Dotnet Console Games
Game examples implemented in .NET console applications primarily for educational purposes.
169. Netsparkle
NetSparkle is a C# software update framework for .NET developers compatible with .NET Core, WinForms, WPF, and Avalonia; uses Ed25519 or DSA signatures! View basic usage here in the README or visit our website for code docs. 2.0 is stable but still in preview.
171. Magazine Website
🐭 A magazine website (using .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, EF Core) with DDD, CQRS, microservices, asynchronous programming applied...
172. Cs2cpp
C# to C++ transpiler (Cs2Cpp) (Powered by Roslyn)
173. Rehosted Workflow Designer
.NET Workflow Designer Rehosting & Custom Activity Library Example
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174. Dasync
Every developer deserves the right of creating microservices without using any framework 🤍
A .NET wrapper for NVIDIA PhysX 4.1.0 written using C++/CLI.
177. Xamarines
🕹️📱Cross-Platform Nintendo Emulator using Xamarin and .Net Standard!
179. Weihanli.common
common tools,methods,extension methods etc... .net 常用工具类,公共方法,常用扩展方法等,基础类库
180. Uhttpsharp
A very lightweight & simple embedded http server for c#
181. Mailbody
Create transactional email with a fluent interface (.net)
182. Ecs
ECS for Unity with full game state automatic rollbacks
183. Camelot
Camelot is cross-platform file manager written in C#
184. Data
Fast DB-independent DAL for .NET Core: abstract queries, SQL commands builder, schema-less data access, POCO mapping (micro-ORM).
185. Runtimeunittesttoolkit
CLI/GUI Frontend of Unity Test Runner to test on any platform.
A tool to backup and restore MySQL database in C#/VB.NET/ASP.NET.
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187. Dgle
Powerful independent cross-platform engine for 2D/3D games and visualizations. Young, strong and crazy!
188. Dotnetcore.samples
.NET Core Samples - Code it Yourself...
189. Client Unity3d for Unity3D, which is compatible with v1.x
190. Aspnetcoresamples
This repository is set of ASP.NET Core projects and scripts.
192. Nager.amazonproductadvertising
.NET Amazon Product Advertising Client
194. Papyruscs
PapyrusCS renders maps of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition worlds using C#, LevelDB and leaflet.
195. Missingreferencesunity
A Unity editor extension for finding missing object references
196. Lizzie
A script language for .Net and the CLR
197. Data Structures And Algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithms implemented In Python, C, C++, Java or any other languages. Aimed to help strengthen the concepts of DS&A. Give a Star 🌟 if it helps you.
200. Hackerrank
A collection of algorithms and solutions to problems in various languages from the site Hacker Rank.