Top 27 husky open source projects

Always the latest version of "create-react-app" with awesome configurations (lint, commit lint, husk, editor config, etc)
Node Typescript Boilerplate for Microservices. Skeleton for Node.js Apps written in TypeScript (with Setup Instructions for ESLint, Prettier, and Husky)
Nest.js boilerplate with CircleCI, Commitizen, Commitlint, Docker-Compose, ESLint, GitHub Actions, Husky, Lint-staged, OpenAPI, Prettier, PostGreSQL, Travis CI, TypeORM
Starter template for NextJs with TypeScript. Supports Tailwind with CSS-Modules. Jest and @react/testing-library configured and ready to go. Also ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Commit-lint and Atomic Design for components.
ReactJS (React-router-dom v6 + Antdesign + Firebase + Sendbird + Sentry) codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc).
💎 My personal website that's mainly powered by Next.js, my own style guide and a lot of other technologies.
Personal website and blog built with Next.js, Preact, MDX, Tailwind CSS and hosted on Vercel.
🔋 Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript starter packed with useful development features
🗼A starter project template with (Ngnix, ReactJS, Redux, Redux Thunk, React Router, NestJS, TypeORM, PostgreSQL, Docker, PM2) + (Code Style, Conventional Changelog with Commitlint, Husky, Git CZ)
React & TypeScript Starter with webpack, ts-jest and runtime environment variables. It comes with fp-ts ecosystem and pre-configured prettier, eslint, vscode, husky hooks and Dockerfile to build a deployable image of your app
ES 6/7 Javascript w/ Node - Coderbyte: tests-assert w/ working example
🍄 Angular 14 boilerplate that comes with Material-UI, Tailwind3, Purgecss, Jest & Cypress Support, Optimal project structure & Interceptor inspired from popular blogs, source map analyzer tools, husky, all pre-configured and much more...
No description or website provided.
Sveltekit starter project created with sveltekit, typescript, tailwindcss, postcss, husky, and storybook. The project has the structure set up for the scaleable web application.
Starter template for Vite with React (TypeScript). Supports Tailwind with CSS-Modules. Jest and @react/testing-library configured and ready to go. Also ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Commit-lint and Atomic Design for components.
Git hooks made easy with Husky.Net internal task runner! 🐶 It brings the dev-dependency concept to the .NET world!
1-27 of 27 husky projects