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Top 1730 plugin open source projects

Gitlab Branch Source Plugin
Jenkins-Plugin to create a multi-branch-project from gitlab
Kubectl Cssh
A kubectl plugin to ssh into Kubernetes nodes within separate tmux panes
💭 The only GIF tooltip plugin you need
lua dev plugin for unreal engine 4
Chrome Extensions Youdaowithwordnode
Remove W3schools
Chrome extension to remove W3Schools results in google searches.
Plugin Gantt
Gantt charts for Kanboard
A plugin for a better integration of Klipper into OctoPrint.
Wordpress Plugin Construction
Tools 🧰 for developing and running WordPress websites
A Sponge minecraft server plugin for second factor authentication
This repository is a Unity plugin for Android Speech Recognition (based on Java implementation)
A simple IoC container for VueJS 2
An advanced pets plugin for PocketMine-MP
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Jmeter Elasticsearch Backend Listener
JMeter plugin that lets you send sample results to an ElasticSearch engine to enable live monitoring of load tests.
🖱️ Wikipedia summary cards for the web
Extending the customizer
App Plugin Project Template For iOS App And Mac App. Make it easy to hook app.
Gruvbox Intellij Theme
An IDE theme based on the gruvbox color scheme. ⛺
Vagrant Foodshow
Vagrant plugin for ngrok
Automatically forward HTTP GET & POST requests to SQLMap's API to test for SQLi and XSS
Mautic Contact Client
Create custom integrations without writing code, like having your own Zapier.
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My Custom Functionality
A basic starter plugin to load assets like CSS and JS files in WordPress.
Streamdeck Homeassistant
🏠 Use the Elgato Stream Deck as Home Assistant controller. Call any available service and toggle lights or resume your music.
Godot Engine.file Editor
A Godot Engine addon that adds a File Editor for multiple file types editing. Create and Write plain text files, configuration files and csv files with custom visualizers and previews. Also supports file translations!
Wp Missed Schedule
Find only missed schedule posts, every 15 minutes, and republish correctly 10 items each session. The Original plugin (only this) no longer available on for explicit author request! Compatible with WP 2.1+ to 4.9+ and 5.0-beta3 (100.000+ installs 300.000+ downloads 2016-04-13) Please: do not install unauthorized malware cloned forked!
Python toolkit for pluggable algorithms and data structures for multimedia-based machine learning.
Caddy V1 Service
⬛️ Run Caddy as a service
Wordpress Plugin Installer
A PHP class for installing and activating WordPress plugins.
Libfive Unity
A CSharp wrapper for libfive with Unity bindings
An event driven, highly customizable plugin to add Scoreboards on your Minecraft Bedrock Server.
Node Distance Addon
Native NodeJS add-on creation tutorial using C++
Caddy Net
Proxy server type for Caddy server (
The annotation implementation using Objective-C
Divi Accessibility
Improve Divi accessibility in accordance with WCAG 2.0 guidelines.
Cart Magento
Mercado Pago's Official Magento 1 Plugin
Base is the foundation for creating modular, unit testable and highly pluggable, server-side node.js applications.
Node Audio
Graph-based audio api for Node.js based on LabSound and JUCE
Chartjs Plugin Deferred
Chart.js plugin to defer initial chart updates
Kong Plugin Response Cache
A Kong plugin that will cache responses in redis
Simple Jekyll Search
A JavaScript library to add search functionality to any Jekyll blog.
Smart Server Performance
Powerfull vim configuration for C/C++/GO/JS coder(好用的vim插件集成包,支持C/C++/GO/JS)
Jetbrains IDE plugin: highlight identifiers with custom colors 🖌💡
Docsify Tabs
A docsify.js plugin for rendering tabbed content from markdown
Obs Streamfx
StreamFX is a plugin for OBS Studio which adds many new effects, filters, sources, transitions and encoders - all for free! Be it 3D Transform, Blur, complex Masking, or even custom shaders, you'll find it all here.
Wordpress Indieweb
Helps you establish your IndieWeb identity by extending the user profile to provide rel-me and h-card fields. It also includes a bundled installer for a core set of IndieWeb-related plugins.
Xcode plugin that adds an empty (configurable) space to the end of the editor text view
Stylelint Validator
Stylelint plugin to validate CSS syntax
Sketch plugin inserts correct bootstrap grid in nested blocks.
Harbor is a plugin that redefines sleep within your Spigot server!
A single-shot nREPL client designed for shell invocation
Randomized overdrive neural networks
Flutter appavailability
A Flutter plugin that allows you to check if an app is installed/enabled, launch an app and get the list of installed apps.
WooCommerce Point of Sale ( POS ) WordPress Plugin