Top 1482 theme open source projects

Atom One Dark Terminal
A Terminal theme that mimics the One Dark theme made by the Atom team.
A theme based off Witcher 3 and a "Dusky" theme! Also big thank you to Beard Design for his contributions to the Better Discord community! **DISCONTINUED**
Advanced skinning plugin for IDA Pro
A dream theme for Brackets IDE that simulates PHP coloring scheme of Dreamweaver
A 24bit colorscheme for Vim, Airline and Lightline
Vuepress Theme Vdoing
Onedark Pro
Atom's iconic One Dark theme for Visual Studio Code
live view of earth from space
Beautiful and clean Ghost theme that is easy and comfortable to use. To get the latest version please head over the releases page 👉🏼
Firefox Gnome Theme
A GNOME👣 theme for Firefox🔥
Hexo Theme Nexmoe
🔥 一个比较特别的 Hexo 主题
Kratos Pjax
🍨 A lovely WordPress theme
✭ 789
Clean Thesis is a clean, simple, and elegant LaTeX style (or template) for thesis documents.
Themes based on the biggest StartUps (buttons, color palette, components, etc.) ready to use in your own projects.
Powerline Extra Symbols
▶️ Extra glyphs for your powerline separators
Qbt Theme
collection of themes for qbittorrent
Elegant way to integrate night mode to swift projects
geometry is a minimal, fully customizable and composable zsh prompt theme
A File Icon
Sublime Text File-Specific Icons for Improved Visual Grepping
优雅的主题管理库- 一行代码完成多样式切换
Hexo Theme Pure
Hexo theme pure. It's a pure theme for Hexo.
Capitaine Cursors
An x-cursor theme inspired by macOS and based on KDE Breeze. Designed to pair well with my icon pack, La Capitaine.
Django Admin Interface
django's default admin interface made customizable. popup windows replaced by modals. :mage: ⚡️
Hugo Theme Stack
Card-style Hugo theme designed for bloggers
A collection of themes/skins for your favorite apps.
Terminator Themes
🤘 The biggest collection of Terminator themes.
The best flat theme for Vim, Atom, Sublime Text, Jetbrains Editors,, iTerm, Xcode and XTerm
Matlab Schemer
Apply and save color schemes in MATLAB with ease.
Light and dark colorful Gtk3.20+ theme
[iOS] A fully themeable markdown editor with live syntax highlighting.
Hugo Tranquilpeak Theme
A gorgeous responsive theme for Hugo blog framework
🤡SakuraKit, a lightweight and powerful library for application to switching themes or skins.
Jekyll Theme Next
Elegant theme for Jekyll.
An opinionated set of configurations for firefox.
Wordpress Gulp Starter Kit
[NOT MAINTAINED] A starter kit for developing WordPress themes with Gulp.
Stackoverflow Dark
📚 Dark theme for Stack Overflow & most Stack Exchange network sites
Hugo Theme Jane
A readable & concise theme for Hugo
Powerline Shell
A beautiful and useful prompt for your shell
i3 + Plasma: using the i3 window manager on the top of KDE Plasma and other dotfiles, configurations, scripts, workarounds and practises from my Debian Sid machines.
Feeling Responsive
»Feeling Responsive« is a free flexible theme for Jekyll built on Foundation framework. You can use it for your company site, as a portfolio or as a blog.
Hardcode Tray
Fixes Hardcoded tray icons in Linux
🐜 A flat and light theme with a modern look
Hexo Theme Minos
A simple and retro styled Hexo theme, concentrated more on your ideas.
macOS theme for Gnome and GTK-based desktops
Flat Remix Gtk
Flat Remix is a GTK application theme inspired by material design. It is mostly flat using a colorful palette with some shadows, highlights, and gradients for some depth.
A small customizable library useful to handle an gallery image pick action built-in your app. 🌄🌠
Dotfiles for unix, managed by GNU stow.
Android Skin Support
Android-skin-support is an easy dynamic skin framework to use for Android, Only one line of code to integrate it. Android 换肤框架, 极低的学习成本, 极好的用户体验. "一行"代码就可以实现换肤, 你值得拥有!!!
A neutral new tab page accented with a chosen colour. Customise the layout, style, background and bookmarks in nightTab.
🎨 A secure boot compatible in-memory UxTheme patcher
Gohugo Theme Ananke
Ananke: A theme for Hugo Sites