Top 1118 cpp open source projects

601. Reed Solomon
Reed Solomon BCH encoder and decoder
602. Learningopencv
Source code for Learning OpenCV 《学习OpenCV》源码及 Mac 运行工程
603. Transformer Dynet
An Implementation of Transformer (Attention Is All You Need) in DyNet
604. Foxy
Session-based Beast/Asio wrapper requiring C++14
605. Run Cmake
GitHub Action to build C++ applications with CMake (either with CMakeLists.txt or CMakeSettings.json), Ninja and vcpkg on GitHub. Available as Azure DevOps task also:
606. Mio
Cross-platform C++11 header-only library for memory mapped file IO
607. Python interface cpp
Example code for interfacing with C and C++ from Python using Cython, SWIG, CFFI, PyPy, and pybind11
608. Mem
A collection of C++11 headers useful for reverse engineering
609. Pcsgolh
PCSGOLH - Pointless Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Lua Hooks. A open-source Lua API for CS:GO hacking written in modern C++
610. Rang
A Minimal, Header only Modern c++ library for terminal goodies 💄✨
611. Cheetahinfer
A C++ inference SDK based on TensorRT
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612. Cpp Spline
Package provides C++ implementation of spline interpolation
613. Leetcode
My leetcode solution. Including Python、Cpp and Java!
614. Fast ber
A C++11 ASN.1 BER Encoding and Decoding Library
615. Gdscript Pp
A language that is a mix of GDScript and C++
617. Cpp Cheatsheet
Modern C++ Cheatsheet
618. Cpp houjie
619. Ipconnect
P2P Chat and File Transfer Desktop Application
621. Geeksforgeeks Dsa 2
This repository contains all the assignments and practice questions solved during the Data Structures and Algorithms course in C++ taught by the Geeks For Geeks team.
622. Threateningyeti
A Respondus LockDown Browser Bypass
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623. Pcraster
Environmental modeling software
624. Node Process List
Cross-platform native method to receive the list of the launched processes
626. Painless
Painless parameter handling for easy exploration
627. Sdformat
Simulation Description Format (SDFormat) parser and description files.
628. Cppnow 2017
Slides for my C++Now 2017 talk
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631. Segmentationcpp
A c++ trainable semantic segmentation library based on libtorch (pytorch c++). Backbone: ResNet, ResNext. Architecture: FPN, U-Net, PAN, LinkNet, PSPNet, DeepLab-V3, DeepLab-V3+ by now.
632. Awesome Lockfree
A collection of resources on wait-free and lock-free programming
633. Portable concurrency
Portable implementation of future/promise API in C++
634. Rpc Wine
discord-rpc.dll implementation for Wine allowing your Wine games to interact with your native Discord instance
635. Qt Interactive Coding
C++ interactive / live coding with Qt
636. Minijson
A lightweight json library (C++)
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637. Run Vcpkg
GitHub Action to automatically cache and run vcpkg to build C++ dependencies for your C++ based applications. Available as Azure DevOps tasks also:
638. Bde Tools
Tools for developing and building libraries modeled on BDE
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639. Oathgen
A command line HOTP and TOTP client
640. Patboy
Game Boy emulator written in C++ with SDL2, includes visual debugger.
641. Tm
Single-file libraries for C/C++ in public domain
642. Visualscriptengine
A C++ visual scripting engine designed for embedding.
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643. Opencvdeviceenumerator
This repository contains a class that allows the enumeration of video and audio devices in order to get the device IDs that are required to create a VideoCapture object inside OpenCV (in Windows).
644. Springsnail
《Linux 高性能服务器》附带的项目程序springsnil详细解读,一个负载均衡服务器
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646. Steambridge
A UE4 implementation of the Steamworks API.
647. Inicpp
C++ parser of INI files with schema validation.
648. Patterns Cheatsheet
Software design patterns cheatsheet.
649. Smallfunction
Stack allocated and type-erased functors 🐜
650. Psroialign
(Oriented) PsRoIAlign Operation In Tensorflow C++ API