Recently analyzed open source projects

Anime-DL-Android-Verison (sharn25)
Steaming and Downloading Anime becomes easy.
✭ 45
pybithumb (sharebook-kr)
python wrapper for bithumb API
✭ 70
iOS-Debug-Database (shaojiankui)
iOS-Debug-Database,like Android-Debug-Database,A Library for Debugging iOS Databases with WebSite Console
Angular2Pixi (Shadowstep33)
Module for creating PIXI scenes using the DOM
✭ 17
Flipkart-Big-Billion-Day-parser (shadowfax92)
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 14
Translater (sgrekov)
This sample app is the open source reimplementation of Yandex.Translate, made as supplementary app for blog post series about Elm Architecture in Android
✭ 22
adopt-a-drain (sfbrigade)
A web application that allows citizens to "adopt" a storm drain in San Francisco. In use, and in development at other brigades. Looking for a maintainer or someone interested in developing further in collaboration with others across the country.
db_branch (sevenwire)
Rails plugin to play nice with git branching and databases.
✭ 16
chrome-mock (sethmcl)
Chrome API mocking library.
✭ 28
raptor (seqan)
A fast and space-efficient pre-filter for querying very large collections of nucleotide sequences.
Cheatsheets (sentientmachine)
Evolving Cheatsheets for computer languages/software/OS like Python, Numpy, Pandas, Java, Linux, Terminal, Gentoo
homebridge-tutorial (senscho)
Code Repository for Homebridge Plugin Development Tutorial
✭ 37
sempare-delphi-template-engine (sempare)
Sempare Template Engine for Delphi allows for flexible dynamic text generation. It can be used for generating email, html, source code, xml, configuration, etc.
basepath (selective-php)
Base path detector for Slim 4
raf-scroll (segment-boneyard)
requestAnimationFrame for window scroll events
✭ 17
learning-zkp (sec-bit)
articles, codes and tools all about zero-knowledge proofs
✭ 537
QVTerminal (sebcaux)
A cross platform QT widget to emulate VT100 terminal
mixtape_learnr (scunning1975)
No description, website, or topics provided.
slice (scottjad)
Web library for writing composable slices of html, css, and js in Clojure
✭ 53
minimization (SciRuby)
Minimization algorithms on pure Ruby
✭ 16
FKB (scientific-computing)
A two-way deep learning bridge between Keras and Fortran
django-notifier (scdoshi)
Send notifications (Email, SMS etc) and manage preferences and permissions per user and group.
graphql-extended (scaphold-io)
An extension of graphql-js that adds useful functionality for production graphql deployments.
docker-postgres-cluster (ScalaConsultants)
No description, website, or topics provided.
django-admin-extra-urls (saxix)
Single mixin class to easily add buttons on any Django ModelAdmin related page
neural-ode (saparina)
Experiments with Neural Ordinary Differential Equations on image and text classification tasks
✭ 25
hydrogen-sanity-demo (sanity-io)
A starter for Hydrogen + Sanity projects
SGVSuperMessagingProxy (sanekgusev)
Invoke superclass implementations for dynamically-dispatched methods through a proxy in Objective-C and Swift
Terminhack (sandoche)
👨‍💻 Impress your friends by pretending to be a real hacker
spotr (samuelreh)
Launch, snapshot and destroy AWS spot instances
✭ 51
deeppose (samitok)
DeepPose implementation with TensorFlow
✭ 27
zsync4j (salesforce)
Java port of zsync
✭ 34
python-netflix (ryszard)
Very simple Netflix API client
✭ 24
alpine-clipboard (ryangjchandler)
Simply copy to the users clipboard in your Alpine.js components. 📋
✭ 271
wordpress-fragment-cache (ryanburnette)
A WordPress fragment cache snippet.
✭ 15
nutrients-per-calorie (ryanatkn)
a web interface to the USDA's nutrient database
Chocolate-Bar-Analysis (ry05)
Exploratory Data Analysis on the Chocolate Bar Ratings dataset provided on Kaggle by Rachael Tatman
rhsrvany (rwmjones)
Free equivalent of Windows "srvany" program for turning any Windows program or script into a service
rust-bitcoinconsensus (rust-bitcoin)
Bitcoin's libbitcoinconsenus.a with Rust binding. Built from Bitcoin sources with cargo.
MOdel ResOurCe COnsumption. Evaluate Russian SuperGLUE models performance: inference speed, RAM usage. Reproducible scores using Docker
gluonjs (ruphin)
A lightweight Web Component base
CurveDeformationMLS (royshil)
2D Shape/Curve deformation using Moving Least Sqaures
✭ 50
anybar-webpack (roman01la)
Webpack build status plugin for menubar status indicator applications
DEEP-mon (rolandobrondolin)
an eBPF-based monitoring tool to measure container resource usage, power consumption, network I/O, and file I/O
✭ 31
gTove (RobRendell)
A simple virtual gaming tabletop webapp in 3D, using Google Drive as the backing store.
publications (roboticcam)
A selection of my papers on topics ranging from Bayesian non-parametrics, Determinantal point process, Real-time computer vision, Deep learning, Geometric fitting, 3D pose, Video based tracking
✭ 22
Hack-the-Box-OSCP-Preparation (rkhal101)
✭ 486
sygus-comp14 (rishabhs)
No description, website, or topics provided.
statex (rintoj)
StateX is a state management library for modern web applications with unidirectional data flow and immutable uni-state (just like redux)
make-the-internet-suck-less (riebschlager)
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 38
ImageStorage.js (richardanaya)
A simple library for using PNG images as key value pair data holders. MIT LICENSE
✭ 52
dotfiles (Rican7)
My shell configuration and scripts. My "dotfiles". ... Over a decade of tuning my environments. ⌚😮🤯
node-parrot-drone (RIAEvangelist)
extendable node module to allow control of any Parrot drone.
✭ 23
PyRayT (rfrazier716)
a Python Ray Tracer
✭ 40
VMwareVMX (RF3)
VMware VMX Crypto Module for Python 2 and 3
✭ 57
regexhq (regexhq)
Logo license and organization discussion.
✭ 72
rehardened (reducecombine)
Tips and snippets for a robust Reloaded workflow
✭ 21
python-api-client (recombee)
Python client for easy use of the Recombee recommendation API
✭ 26
bs-examples (reasonml-old)
some small examples showing how to use bucklescript/reason
genjijs (realDuang)
🎉 explore a better way to manage data state
reagent-cursor (reagent-project)
Optional cursors library for Reagent
✭ 21
Wonderland-Private-Server (rcharnel)
Private Server for wonderland online
✭ 42
azure-toolbox (rcarmo)
A Docker container with Azure Resource Manager administration tools and a machine/deep learning stack
GroovyMagJMS (rbramley)
Grails JMS article code for GroovyMag June 2011
Turtle-Landscape (razzledazze)
A randomised python turtle code to draw a Bob Ross style landscape
✭ 18
2021-issdl-gdansk (rasbt)
Intro to GAN Tutorial for the International Summer School of Deep Learning 2021 in Gdansk
pyTranscriber (raryelcostasouza)
pyTranscriber can be used to generate automatic transcription / automatic subtitles for audio/video files through a friendly graphical user interface.
✭ 2,771
HP-EliteDesk-800-G2-DM-Hackintosh (randyzhong)
OpenCore version of HP EliteDesk 800 G2 Desktop Mini Business PC (35W/65W) Hackintosh Support.
modestmaps-cinder (RandomEtc)
Modest Maps for Cinder
✭ 23
rancher-net (rancher)
Rancher Networking
pf4j-spring-tutorial (ralemy)
A step by step guide to create an application supporting third-party plugins in Java and Spring boot
Yarn-Weaver (radiatoryang)
simple tool built in Unity C# to test Yarn files, good for game devs and narrative designers
UIDrawer (Que20)
A drawer that mimics the bottom sheet from the Maps app.
m3u8Download (qq494257084)
java下载m3u8视频,解密并合并ts java download m3u8 video,decrypt & merge ts slice
✭ 210
ipe2tikz (QBobWatson)
TikZ exporter ipelet
✭ 29
react-native-watson (pwcremin)
No description, website, or topics provided.
dispenser (puzrin)
SMT solder paste and flux dispenser
✭ 32
suez (prusnak)
Tool for pretty printing and optimizing Lightning Network channels.
flask-hamster (projecthamster)
Experimental hamster flask app - for web access
jprobml (probml)
Julia code for Probabilistic Machine Learning
algorithms (Privanom)
A open source repository of different kinds of algorithms in c. Newbies are encouraged to contribute! Note: I made this code when i didn't have as much experience in programming
201-300 recently analyzed projects