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Top 803 convolutional-neural-networks open source projects

Deep Atrous Cnn Sentiment
Deep-Atrous-CNN-Text-Network: End-to-end word level model for sentiment analysis and other text classifications
Rcnn Relation Extraction
Tensorflow Implementation of Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Relation Extraction
Deep Ranking
Learning Fine-grained Image Similarity with Deep Ranking is a novel application of neural networks, where the authors use a new multi scale architecture combined with a triplet loss to create a neural network that is able to perform image search. This repository is a simplified implementation of the same
Tf eeglearn
A tensorflow implementation for EEGLearn
Minkowski Engine is an auto-diff neural network library for high-dimensional sparse tensors
Pytorch Implementation of "Deep Iterative Down-Up CNN for Image Denoising".
Cnn graph
Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs with Fast Localized Spectral Filtering
Roadway intel
Vehicle make and model classification in Tensorflow by fine-tuning VGG16
FeatherCNN is a high performance inference engine for convolutional neural networks.
Keras model compression
Model Compression Based on Geoffery Hinton's Logit Regression Method in Keras applied to MNIST 16x compression over 0.95 percent accuracy.An Implementation of "Distilling the Knowledge in a Neural Network - Geoffery Hinton et. al"
Big transfer
Official repository for the "Big Transfer (BiT): General Visual Representation Learning" paper.
[CVPR 2020] MTL-NAS: Task-Agnostic Neural Architecture Search towards General-Purpose Multi-Task Learning
Data Science Bowl 2018
End-to-end one-class instance segmentation based on U-Net architecture for Data Science Bowl 2018 in Kaggle
Very Deep Convolutional Networks For Natural Language Processing In Tensorflow
implement the paper" Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Natural Language Processing"( ) in tensorflow
Eeg classification
EEG Sleep stage classification using CNN with Keras
MIVisionX toolkit is a comprehensive computer vision and machine intelligence libraries, utilities and applications bundled into a single toolkit.
Numpy Convnet
A small and pure Numpy Convolutional Neural Network library.
Switchnorm segmentation
Switchable Normalization for semantic image segmentation and scene parsing.
Yolo tensorflow
🚖 Object Detection (YOLOv1) implentation in tensorflow, with training, testing and video features.
Yolo Object Detection Tensorflow
YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection using Tensorflow and easy to use
Svhn Cnn
Google Street View House Number(SVHN) Dataset, and classifying them through CNN
Towards Automated Deep Learning: Efficient Joint Neural Architecture and Hyperparameter Search
Medical image analysis framework merging ANTsR and deep learning
Dynamic Gcnn
Dynamic Graph Convolutional Neural Network for 3D point cloud semantic segmentation
This toolbox is support material for the book on CNN (
Hardhat Detector
A convolutional neural network implementation of a script that detects whether an individual is wearing a hardhat or not.
Pro gan pytorch Examples
Examples trained using the python pytorch package pro-gan-pth
Text classifier for Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification
Constrained attention filter
(ECCV 2020) Tensorflow implementation of A Generic Visualization Approach for Convolutional Neural Networks
Teacher Student Training
This repository stores the files used for my summer internship's work on "teacher-student learning", an experimental method for training deep neural networks using a trained teacher model.
Tensorflow Srgan
Tensorflow implementation of "Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network" (Ledig et al. 2017)
TensorFlow Implementation of state-of-the-art models since 2012
Pathology Images Analysis Using Cnn
Scripts for, using Convolutional Neural Network to detect lung cancer tumor area
Lane Detector
This repository is for my article "Tutorial: Build a lane detector" published on Medium.
Rare pupper image compression model for word-embedding-esque operations.
Keras Faster Rcnn
Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks
Price prediction lob
Deep learning for price movement prediction using high frequency limit order data
241-300 of 803 convolutional-neural-networks projects