Top 1077 flask open source projects

Flask api
Creating a Machine Learning API using Flask - Repository for AV Article
🎁 Your Open web framework, designed with big in mind. Flask with Django advantages. Build your management systems, ERP products & mobile backend (coming soon). Small business needs apps included by default. First timers friendly. Email: [email protected] | password: pass
Multizone Hydroponic / Aquaponic / Irrigation & Fish Tank Water management and monitoring platform
Bottle Cork
Authentication module for the Bottle and Flask web frameworks
A classic Forum Software in Python using Flask.
Flask ishuhui
Comic reading website built by flask.
Pytest Flask Sqlalchemy
A pytest plugin for preserving test isolation in Flask-SQLAlchemy using database transactions.
A micro web framework/static web site generator.
Proxy pool
Python爬虫代理IP池(proxy pool)
Flask Diamond
💎 Flask-Diamond is a batteries-included Flask framework.
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Flaskr Tdd
Flaskr: Intro to Flask, Test-Driven Development (TDD), and JavaScript
Docker Flask Celery Redis
Docker-Compose template for orchestrating a Flask app with a Celery queue using Redis
Vue Admin Flask Example
Boilerplate API on how to structure big Flask applications (includes SQLAlchemy, Docker, nginx)
Flask Msearch
Full text search for flask.
Flask Sphinx Themes
Sphinx themes for Pallets projects
Flask Redis Queue
Example of how to handle background processes with Flask, Redis Queue, and Docker
Person blog powered by flask.
Flask Sqlalchemy Tutorial
🐍 ℹ️ Create and manage data in your Flask app via a SQL database.
Flask Blueprint Tutorial
📘 📦 Structure your Flask apps in a scalable and intelligent way using Blueprints.
Flask Restless Security
Concise skeleton for development of Flask, Flask-Restless, SQLAlchemy, JWT based REST APIs.
Awesome Python
파이썬에 대한 간단한 튜토리얼 + 파이썬에 관한 예제 모아두기
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Dash Flask Login
Implementation of Flask-login on top of Dash.
Plain text file based note taking and knowledge base building tool, markdown editor, simple browser IDE.
Flask Simpleldap
LDAP authentication extension for the Flask web framework
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Flask Black Dashboard
Flask Black Dashboard - Open-source seed project | AppSeed
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Flask Easy Template
A template web app with Flask. Features: latest bootstrap, user registry, login, forgot password. Secured admin panel, pagination, config files for Nginx and Supervisor and much more.
Web-ify your word2vec: framework to serve distributional semantic models online
Flask Migrate
SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic
Unofficial Medium Python Flask API and SDK
Generate HQ poly wallpapers
Gpu Sentry
Flask-based package for monitoring utilisation of nVidia GPUs.
Angular2 Flask
Simple angular2 app with python-flask backend ( Learning Angular2 )
Your portfolio is captured here!
Jmilkfan S Blog
JmilkFan's Blog with Python-Flask
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A Simple Blog Powered by Flask
Word2vec Spam Filter
Using word vectors to classify spam messages
[DEPRECATED] Find Python web-app bugs delightfully fast, without changing your workflow. 🍱
Upload Demo
Uploading a large file by fragmentation, powered by Flask and WebUploader.
Distributed notifications using websockets
Tedivms Flask
Flask starter app with celery, bootstrap, and docker environment
🔓 🔑 🔐 Origami: Artificial Intelligence as a Service
A generic game jam application with ratings and comments using Flask
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Docker Flask Gunicorn Nginx
Bootstrap example of a Flask app served via Gunicorn and Nginx using Docker conteiners
Tradingview Webhook Bot
⚙️ Send TradingView alerts to Telegram, Discord, Slack, Twitter and/or Email.
Wechat hack
微信黑客攻击平台 - 已经废弃
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Flask simplelogin
Simple Login - Login Extension for Flask - maintainer @cuducos
61-120 of 1077 flask projects