Top 1077 flask open source projects

AHRID - Analysis Hacker's Real-ID Platform 黑客攻击画像分析系统(停止运营)
Vuejs Python
Examples showing how to use vuejs with python web frameworks (rest, websocket, etc)
Mentorship Backend
Mentorship System is an application that matches women in tech to mentor each other, on career development, through 1:1 relations during a certain period of time. This is the backend of this system.
Wa Reader
💬 WA Reader is a platform to read WhatsApp conversations from email text backups in a easy-to-read UI.
an open source, lightweight Server for connect TAK clients
Self-hosted Soundtracks and Podcasts sharing, with ActivityPub federation.
A robust, and flexible open source User & Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) framework used for Security Analytics. Developed with luv by Data Scientists & Security Analysts from the Cyber Security Industry. [PRE-ALPHA]
A fully functional terminal in your browser.
Flask Calendar
Simple Python & Flask web-calendar
Soul Manga
react + flask + scrapy 构建的单页应用漫画网站
yspider -- 轻量级爬虫系统
Python Resources 2019
A curated list of Python 3 resources, books, websites, tutorials, code challenges
Explore Flask
Source of Explore Flask book
✭ 1,595
Search Libc
Web wrapper of niklasb/libc-database
An unofficial API for JioSaavn written in Python 3
A 2D/3D visualization of the Traveling Salesman Problem main heuristics
sapic(picbed) - 基于Flask的Web自建图床,可存储到又拍云、七牛云、阿里云OSS、腾讯云COS、GitHub、Gitee等,支持自定义扩展。
Python Tutorial
🏃 Some of the python tutorial - 《Python学习笔记》
🚀 Generate a Postman collection from your Flask application
Library of utils to create REST Python Microservices
Dockerized Flask
Dockerized web app using NGINX, Flask and PostgreSQL
Python Flask Sklearn Docker Template
A simple example of python api for real time machine learning, using scikit-learn, Flask and Docker
Flask Graphene Sqlalchemy
A demo project for Flask + GraphQL (With Graphene & SQLAlchemy)
Flask Full
starter/boilerplate flask application with celery, mongoengine, signals, shell commands, swagger api docs and sphinx docs integration
Docker Nginx Gunicorn Flask Letsencrypt
Boilerplate code for setting up Nginx + Gunicorn + Flask + automated LetsEncrypt certificates (https) using docker-compose.
A web interface for Anki Vector
Pi Temp
Web server using a Raspberry Pi and DHT22 sensor to graph the humidity and temperature in my apartment over time.
Jianso movie
🎬 电影资源爬虫,电影图片抓取脚本,Flask|Nginx|wsgi
Pyblog 是一个简单易用的在线 Markdown 博客系统,它使用 Python 的 flask 架构,理论上支持所有 flask-sqlalchemy 所能支持的数据库。 编辑器使用的是。当前版本(v2.0)支持且仅支持 python3! Python 的 Markdown to HTML 编译器使用的是 Mistune! Just so!
003 Arquitetura Flask
Arquitetura definitiva para projetos Flask
Labeled Tweet Generator
Search for tweets and download the data labeled with its polarity in CSV format
machine learning web app game where the user competes against the AI in picking stocks
Flask Graphene Sqlalchemy
⚗️Project template to build a GraphQL API in Python
Keras And Tensorflow Serving
Deploying Keras models using TensorFlow Serving and Flask
Flasklogin Tutorial
👨‍💻 🔑 Tutorial to accompany corresponding post on
Awesome Flask
A curated list of awesome Flask resources and plugins
Face2Data: Extract meaningful information from a person face in less than a second. Powered by Keras and Flask.
A workout trainer Dash/Flask app that helps track your HIIT workouts by analyzing real-time video streaming from your sweet Pi using machine learning and Edge TPU..
Indian Paper Currency Prediction
Source code of Indian Paper Currency Prediction 🔥
Get Started Python
A Python application and tutorial that use Flask framework to provide a REST API to receive requests from the UI. The API then persists the data to a Cloudant database.
React Redux Flask
Boilerplate application for a Python/Flask JWT Backend and a Javascript/React/Redux Front-End with Material UI.
Centralized supervisor WebUI and CLI
A tool that can convert your rgb images to nordtheme palette
markdown wiki by python
Build REST APIs with Neo4j and Flask, as quickly as possible!
Stock Market Prediction Web App Using Machine Learning And Sentiment Analysis
Stock Market Prediction Web App based on Machine Learning and Sentiment Analysis of Tweets (API keys included in code). The front end of the Web App is based on Flask and Wordpress. The App forecasts stock prices of the next seven days for any given stock under NASDAQ or NSE as input by the user. Predictions are made using three algorithms: ARIMA, LSTM, Linear Regression. The Web App combines the predicted prices of the next seven days with the sentiment analysis of tweets to give recommendation whether the price is going to rise or fall
Python Examples
Python examples from my answers on Stackoverflow and other short scripts.
beets based mitm of your torrent client and music player
🌟 A polling application built with Flask and React