's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
Cs BooksA list of textbooks for a Computer Science curriculum.
Hackclub🏫 Hack Club is a nonprofit network of computer science clubs where members learn to code through tinkering and building projects
Live ResumeStand out of the crowd by showing a professional website/resume. Building fast and easy the best Personal Web Application resume!
LabsLabs for the Foundations of Applied Mathematics curriculum.
Freecodecamp.cnFCC China open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits.
Deep Learning PythonIntro to Deep Learning, including recurrent, convolution, and feed forward neural networks.
EpflEPFL summaries & cheatsheets over 5 years (computer science, communication systems, data science and computational neuroscience).
CurriculumOverview of the different modules and learning goals of the program.
Curriculum📝 A simple way to create your HTML résumé.
Bjc RThe Beauty and Joy of Computing public resource repository.
Curriculum GraphAn attempt to organize and update the old course progression tree used by compsci students of UFSC.
Markdown Cva simple template to write your CV in a readable markdown file and use CSS to publish/print it.
Curriculum👩🏫 👨🏫 The open-source curriculum of Enki!
Ada BuildThe Ada Developers Academy Jump Start program, which is intended for anyone who is interested in beginning their journey into coding.
CurriculumDive into our 7-month web development program covering HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, and React!
CurriculumThe curriculum of Techtonica, a free tech training and job placement program for women and non-binary adults with low incomes.
SobreInformações gerais sobre o Centro de Treinamento
CybersecurityA curriculum for a high school cyber security course.
CurriculumThe open curriculum for learning web development
guia-laboralTips para un buen Curriculum Vitae y filtrar malas pegas
iot-curriculumHands on labs and content for students and educators to learn and teach the Internet of Things at schools, universities, coding clubs, community colleges and bootcamps
OSPATOpen Source Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Curriculum
web-development-101Практическое введение во все инструменты, необходимые для создания рабочих веб-сайтов.
cvA LaTeX template for academic CVs
EEGEduInteractive Brain Playground - Browser based tutorials on EEG with webbluetooth and muse
curriculumA curated guide for beginners to start their learning journey. Join the community to learn and grow!
curriculum-foundationiSAQB Curriculum for the CPSA - Foundation Level. This repository contains copyrighted work.
resourcesБесплатный образовательный контент, созданный и отобранный профессионалами
jump-start-liveIn person program for Ada Developers Academy students who are not yet confident using loops, arrays, and hashes.
pysjtuThe Python iSJTU client for Humans.
curriculumDraft syllabus for the Data Challenge Lab
myprofileGenerate your resume easily from Github actions ✅ using discussion section 📃 🚀