Top 350 Sass open source projects

101. web3-is-going-great
A timeline of some of the greatest hits in cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and other web3 projects since the beginning of 2021
104. vitarka
Time management system for autodidacts.
106. jekyll-timeline
A visual timeline for your Jekyll sites that works with Github Pages
107. LibSassBuilder
Sass builder for .NET projects
108. bulma-css-vars
Bulma with CSS Variables
109. pinstagram
Pinstagram is a server side rendering Instagram clone
110. TibiaPal
The site has a number of features to help with the day-to-day life of the players, in the form of tools, guides and information.
111. Watch-on-LBRY
Plugin for web browser that automatic check if YouTube video is on LBRY
112. rubyist-connect
Rubyist をつなぐ WEBサービスです。
113. vue3-pinia-quasar-ts
A minimal template that hooks up Vue 3, Pinia (Vuex 5), Quasar, Vue Router 4, and TypeScript
114. dit
Decentralized Influencer Toolkit
115. bulma-pageloader
Bulma's extension to show a page loader
116. happa
Web user interface for Giant Swarm – Beyond managed Kubernetes
118. lfa
LFA is a build tool for generating HTML5 textbooks
119. byu-theme-components
Web Components implementing the BYU web theme.
123. DeepThought
A simple blog theme focused on writing powered by Bulma and Zola.
125. it52-rails
Сайт нижегородского IT-сообщества
126. TopicFriends
TopicFriends. Connects people based on shared actionable interests and locations.
127. onex-utils
Web business development general tool library 通用业务工具库 🥷
128. bulma-switch
Bulma's extension to display checkbox as a switch
129. v-page
A simple pagination bar, including length Menu, i18n support, based on Vue2.x
130. sassimple
🛠 Fill in your css gaps with sass mixins (simply)
131. history-project
📜 Historical record of happenings at the Nottingham New Theatre.
132. perl-libsass
Perl bindings for libsass (CSS::Sass)
133. vue-webpack-typescript
Project starter for Vue Typescript and Webpack
134. shogi-player
136. flame-explain
A PostgreSQL EXPLAIN ANALYZE visualizer with advanced quirk correction algorithms.
138. bitshift
A semantic search engine for source code
139. react-object-list
Neat table/list views with filtering and pagination support; powered by React.
140. jest-css-modules-transform
Preprocessor css modules for Jest test framework. Generates correct css object. Supports css, sass, stylus, less.
141. logo-generator
142. noe
Booking and patient management system for drive-through virology testing. For a commercially supported solution, visit the CovidTMS website.
143. clappr-markers-plugin
A plugin for clappr which will display markers (and tooltips) at configured points scrub bar.
144. HTML-Lint
A code quality bookmarklet and command-line tool
145. filter-app
Rails app - news aggregator that powers and
146. boofilsic
Mark the things you love.
147. gatsby-netlifycms-starter-template
All the technologies used are free and open-source. You are free to use this template for a personal hobby blog, a commercial news agency or professional journalist website etc. Don't forget to star the repo if you like this template.
148. edje-wc-library
Plugin to simplify WooCommerce complicated features.
150. webp-wasm
Webp image convertor (webassembly, works offline in browser)
101-150 of 350 Sass projects