Top 1077 flask open source projects

Crud Flask Python
CRUD básico com FLASK+PYTHON. Um sisteminha de cadastro de clientes. Muito simples. :)
Python crawler
It's designed to be a simple, tiny, pratical python crawler using json and sqlite instead of mysql or mongdb. The destination website is
Flask pytorch
using flask to run pytorch model
Betterlife Intelligent PSI(Purchase, Sales and Inventory) system
Flask Jwt Router
Flask JWT Router is a Python library that adds authorised routes to a Flask app.
Flask Dashboard Light Bootstrap
Flask Dashboard - Light Bootstrap | AppSeed
✭ 42
Flask Dashboard Corona Dark
Flask Dashboard - Corona Dark Design | AppSeed
✭ 41
Openvpn Cms Flask
Reddit sse stream
A Server Side Event stream to deliver Reddit comments and submissions in near real-time to a client.
Big Album Art
[RETIRED] A Flask app to display almost-fullscreen album art for your currently playing Spotify songs. Enjoy the visuals!
Cookiecutter Flask Pythonic
Pythonic starter boilerplate for Flask
Generalized application for displaying location-based resources on a map
Watch multiple YouTube videos by providing video links or playlist links or channel links or maybe a mix of them! All without opening a single extra tab.
Health Check ✔ is a Machine Learning Web Application made using Flask that can predict mainly three diseases i.e. Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Cancer.
Flask Json
Flask-JSON is a Flask extension providing better JSON support.
Pymap webapp
A webapp version for Raster Map Download Helper
An example of a client side prediction made with TensorFlowJS
Botvid 19
Messenger Bot that scrapes for COVID-19 data and periodically updates subscribers via Facebook Messages. Created using Python/Flask, MYSQL, HTML, Heroku
Cancer Donation Portal Python Flask App
Flask App for Cancer Donation Portal using basic Python, SQLite3, HTML, CSS and Javascript
The SimpleLogin back-end
A simple web blog script written in Python & Flask
Flask Httpauth
Simple extension that provides Basic, Digest and Token HTTP authentication for Flask routes
Corpus Christi
Church management suite, open source, fully internationalized
一个基于 python 的 flask 框架的资讯网站,
👏👏 Integrate cache(redis) [flask etc.] with SQLAlchemy.
Flask Boto3
Flask extension that ties boto3 connectors to the application context
An e-commerce fullstack solution for Flask 出口电商全栈解决方案
🏛️ An open-source tool for learning Latin
MathJax and TeX pastebin
A web tool for the analysis of cognitive dysfunction in patient journaling during Schizophrenia clinical drug trials
System dashboard
Boilerplate project - Cross-Platform System Dashboard using Flask, React, Mobx and Web-Workers
This is the software framework for an OPSORO robot, to be used in conjunction with Ono2 or OPSORO grid and OPSOROHAT.
Keras Flask Deploy Webapp
😺 Pretty & simple image classifier app template. Deploy your own trained model or pre-trained model (VGG, ResNet, Densenet) to a web app using Flask in 10 minutes.
Flask Scaffold
Prototype Database driven Web apps in Angular 6, Bootstrap 4 and REST API's with Flask (Python 3 framework)
🏉 Python Logging Library
Social Listener
Python project used to collect tweets and social-network data from Social's API
Flask Bones
An example of a large scale Flask application using blueprints and extensions.
Heroku Buildpack Python
The official Heroku buildpack for Python apps.
Flask Humanize
Common humanization utilities for Flask applications
Vulnerable Python Application To Learn Secure Development
Intro To Apis Flask
Starter repository for the Introductions to API course
Gpt2 App
A Flask Web App for Generating Text with GPT-2
Hello Ai
AI, Tensorflow, Inceptionv3, AI as a Service, Flask
🤝 A dependency-free command line utility for managing, updating, creating and launching Flask Apps.
Letterboxd recommendations
Scraping publicly-accessible Letterboxd data and creating a movie recommendation model with it that can generate recommendations when provided with a Letterboxd username
Python Library for Haiku SenseMe app controlled fans/lights
Our super sweet hacker management system, built for HackTCNJ 2017+ | Used by [email protected] 2018!
Multi Threading Camera Stream
Multi-threading camera stream to improve video processing performance
Fullstack Flask Vuejs Argon Design
Flask Vuejs - Built with Automation Tools | AppSeed App Generator
Textbook trading website built with Flask and Vue.js
Microservices Connector
Inter-Service communication framework, support for microservice architecture and distributed system
A simple file sharing web service in Vue.js and Flask
A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAPI Specification (f.k.a. the Swagger specification)..
Flask Sqlalchemy Blogger Example
Blog Posts application using sqlalchemy