Top 1077 flask open source projects

Flask Socketio
Socket.IO integration for Flask applications.
pb is a formerly-lightweight pastebin and url shortener
Mini Shop Server
基于 Flask 框架开发的微信小程序后端项目,用于构建小程序商城后台 (电商相关;rbac权限管理;附带自动生成Swagger 风格的API 文档;可作「Python 项目毕设」;慕课网系列)---- 相关博客链接:🌟
Bootstrap Flask
Bootstrap 4 helper for Flask/Jinja2.
Maple Bbs
a forums system based on flask
QQZone mood spider and analysis. QQ空间多线程爬虫和数据挖掘。提供线上服务,扫码登陆即可自动爬取和分析数据,还有网易云年度报告风格的数据展示;使用docker-compose打包程序,方便部署;额外提供QQ空间抽奖小程序。
Flask Restful Example
Yet another blog system powered by Flask and MongoDB
A great starting point to build your SaaS in Flask & Python, with Stripe subscription billing 🚀
Source code for the CERN Open Data portal
Ojbk jiexi
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create desktop application by using Flask and QtWebKit
Pytorch classification
Autotest platform
Python+flask+selenium 搭建UI自动化测试平台
Data Driven Web Apps With Flask
Course demo code and other hand-out materials for our data-driven web apps in Flask course
React News Board
🌀 A Full-Stack Web App built with React and Flask.
A Python framework based on Flask microframework, with batteries included, and best practices in mind.
Nginx Ui
Nginx UI allows you to access and modify the nginx configurations files without cli.
Flask Redis
A Flask extension for using Redis
Cookiecutter Flask
A flask template with Bootstrap 4, asset bundling+minification with webpack, starter templates, and registration/authentication. For use with cookiecutter.
Serverless Wsgi
Serverless plugin to deploy WSGI applications (Flask/Django/Pyramid etc.) and bundle Python packages
Multi Camera Live Object Tracking
Multi-camera live traffic and object counting with YOLO v4, Deep SORT, and Flask.
Youtube and Twitter with privacy.
Flask Vuejs
Example & Tips, Flask with Vue.js.
pepy is a site to get statistics information about any Python package.
Flask Tutorial
Flask 入门教程:使用 Python 和 Flask 开发你的第一个 Web 程序
Explore Flask Zh
Explore Flask中文翻译。关于flask的一些最佳实践。
A configurable, easy to maintain personal website
Pytest Flask
A set of pytest fixtures to test Flask applications
A familiar HTTP Service Framework for Python.
Head First Flask
📙Introduction to Flask Web development.
A microblogging web application written in Python and Flask that I developed as part of my Flask Mega-Tutorial series.
Flask Session
Server side session extension for Flask
Flask Sqlalchemy
Adds SQLAlchemy support to Flask
CMDB: configuration and management of IT resources, demo:
Meinheld Gunicorn Flask Docker
Docker image with Meinheld and Gunicorn for Flask applications in Python. Optionally with Alpine Linux.
SSDB可视化界面管理工具 ssdb web manager tool
Redis Monitor
💻 A very simple redis monitor based on Flask and React. 一个部署简单的 redis 监控程序,使用 Flask 和 React 完成。
Tasking Manager
Tasking Manager - The tool to team up for mapping in OpenStreetMap
Gather Deployment
Gathers scalable tensorflow and infrastructure deployment
Flask Bookshelf
Flask Series
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Prometheus flask exporter
Prometheus exporter for Flask applications
Flask Smorest
DB agnostic framework to build auto-documented REST APIs with Flask and marshmallow
Flask Appbuilder
Simple and rapid application development framework, built on top of Flask. includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your models, google charts and much more. Demo (login with guest/welcome) -
Conversation models in TensorFlow. (website removed)
A backup tool for
Flask jsondash
🐍 📊 📈 Build complex dashboards without any front-end code. Use your own endpoints. JSON config only. Ready to go.
Annotated Py Projects
flask/sanic/asyncio/bottle/webpy 大量项目 源码阅读注释合集
Apm Agent Python
Official Python agent for the Elastic APM
Wikipedia Map
A web app for visualizing the connections between Wikipedia pages.
Every web site provides APIs.
Flask Chatterbot
Simple boilerplate for ChatterBot using Flask
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Turkce Python Kaynaklari
Türkçe olarak hazırlanmış Python programlama dili ile ilgili içeriklerin derlendiği sayfa.
Issue Label Bot
Code For The Issue Label Bot, an App that automatically labels issues using machine learning, available on the GitHub Marketplace. This is also code for the blog article: "How to automate tasks on GitHub with machine learning for fun and profit"
Weixin Spider