Top 766 kafka open source projects

Simplifying Kafka for ruby apps
Bigdata Playground
A complete example of a big data application using : Kubernetes (kops/aws), Apache Spark SQL/Streaming/MLib, Apache Flink, Scala, Python, Apache Kafka, Apache Hbase, Apache Parquet, Apache Avro, Apache Storm, Twitter Api, MongoDB, NodeJS, Angular, GraphQL
Kafka Book
Spark Kafka Writer
Write your Spark data to Kafka seamlessly
light, fast, scalable, streaming microservices made easy
Sdk Java
Java SDK for CloudEvents
Kafka Streams Dotnet
.NET Stream Processing Library for Apache Kafka 🚀
A search framework and multi-tenant search platform based on java, kafka, kafka connect, elasticsearch
Mirus is a cross data-center data replication tool for Apache Kafka
Spark Structured Streaming Examples
Spark Structured Streaming / Kafka / Cassandra / Elastic
Kafka Streams In Action
Source code for the Kafka Streams in Action Book
Prometheus Kafka Adapter
Use Kafka as a remote storage database for Prometheus (remote write only)
Bigdata practice
Dcos Commons
DC/OS SDK is a collection of tools, libraries, and documentation for easy integration of technologies such as Kafka, Cassandra, HDFS, Spark, and TensorFlow with DC/OS.
Kafka-on-Pulsar - A protocol handler that brings native Kafka protocol to Apache Pulsar
Event Sourcing Jambo
An Hexagonal Architecture with DDD + Aggregates + Event Sourcing using .NET Core, Kafka e MongoDB (Blog Engine)
Enqueue Dev
Message Queue, Job Queue, Broadcasting, WebSockets packages for PHP, Symfony, Laravel, Magento. DEVELOPMENT REPOSITORY - provided by Forma-Pro
Spring Boot Vue Bank
我,请始皇[打钱]是一个前后端分离的工具人系统,项目采用 SpringBoot+Go+Vue 开发,项目加入常见的企业级应用所涉及到的技术点,例如 Redis、RabbitMQ 等(主要是多用用工具多踩踩坑)。
Laravel Queue
Laravel Enqueue message queue extension. Supports AMQP, Amazon SQS, Kafka, Google PubSub, Redis, STOMP, Gearman, Beanstalk and others
Parallel Consumer
Parallel Apache Kafka client wrapper with client side queueing, a simpler consumer/producer API with key concurrency and extendable non-blocking IO processing.
Graphql Kafka Subscriptions
Apollo graphql subscriptions over Kafka protocol
Redpanda is the real-time engine for modern apps. Kafka API Compatible; 10x faster 🚀 See more at
Kafka Connect Storage Cloud
Kafka Connect suite of connectors for Cloud storage (Amazon S3)
Rdkafka Ruby
Modern and performant Kafka client library for Ruby based on librdkafka
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Kafka GUI for Apache Kafka to manage topics, topics data, consumers group, schema registry, connect and more...
Netty Learning Example
🥚 Netty实践学习案例,见微知著!带着你的心,跟着教程。我相信你行欧。
PHP Kafka client is used in PHP-FPM and Swoole. PHP Kafka client supports 50 APIs, which might be one that supports the most message types ever.
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Kafka Eagle
A easy and high-performance monitoring system, for comprehensive monitoring and management of kafka cluster.
A kafka command line browser
A Kafka Story
Kafka ecosystem ... but step by step!
Azkarra Streams
🚀 Azkarra is a lightweight java framework to make it easy to develop, deploy and manage cloud-native streaming microservices based on Apache Kafka Streams.
A modern Apache Kafka client for node.js
Technology Talk
Awesome Kafka
Everything about Apache Kafka
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Oryx 2: Lambda architecture on Apache Spark, Apache Kafka for real-time large scale machine learning
Eel Sdk
Big Data Toolkit for the JVM
Kafka Docker Playground
Playground for Kafka/Confluent Docker experimentations
Syslog Gollector
Syslog Collector written in Go, streams to Kafka 0.8
Kafka Connect Mongodb
**Unofficial / Community** Kafka Connect MongoDB Sink Connector - Find the official MongoDB Kafka Connector here:
WaterDrop is a standalone Karafka component library for generating Kafka messages
Secor is a service implementing Kafka log persistence
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Goka is a compact yet powerful distributed stream processing library for Apache Kafka written in Go.
Node Rdkafka
Node.js bindings for librdkafka
🦄 开源社区系统:基于 SpringBoot + MyBatis + MySQL + Redis + Kafka + Elasticsearch + Spring Security + ... 并提供详细的开发文档和配套教程。包含帖子、评论、私信、系统通知、点赞、关注、搜索、用户设置、数据统计等模块。
Aliyun Emapreduce Datasources
Extended datasource support for Spark/Hadoop on Aliyun E-MapReduce.
Samsara is a real-time analytics platform
61-120 of 766 kafka projects