Top 766 kafka open source projects

Kafka UI and Monitoring Tool
✭ 366
Schema Registry Ui
Web tool for Avro Schema Registry |
Zenko is the open source multi-cloud data controller: own and keep control of your data on any cloud.
Scala Kafka Client
Scala helper modules for operating the Apache Kafka client library (0.9.x - 2.1.0)
Kafka Kit
Kafka storage rebalancing, automated replication throttle, cluster API and more
Springboot Learning
A Microservice Toolkit from The New York Times
Bitnami Docker Kafka
Bitnami Docker Image for Kafka
Wirbelsturm is a Vagrant and Puppet based tool to perform 1-click local and remote deployments, with a focus on big data tech like Kafka.
Kafka Connect Github Source
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Datafaker is a large-scale test data and flow test data generation tool. Datafaker fakes data and inserts to varied data sources. 测试数据生成工具
Racecar: a simple framework for Kafka consumers in Ruby
Gather Deployment
Gathers scalable tensorflow and infrastructure deployment
Kafka Webview
Full-featured web-based Apache Kafka consumer UI
Zeek Analysis Tools (ZAT): Processing and analysis of Zeek network data with Pandas, scikit-learn, Kafka and Spark
Kafka Operator
A Kafka Operator for Kubernetes
Surging is a micro-service engine that provides a lightweight, high-performance, modular RPC request pipeline. The service engine supports http, TCP, WS,Grpc, Thrift,Mqtt, UDP, and DNS protocols. It uses ZooKeeper and Consul as a registry, and integrates it. Hash, random, polling, Fair Polling as a load balancing algorithm, built-in service gove…
Scalatest Embedded Kafka
A library that provides an in-memory Kafka instance to run your tests against.
Cqrs Manager For Distributed Reactive Services
Experimental CQRS and Event Sourcing service
Cp Ansible
Ansible playbooks for the Confluent Platform
Aliware Kafka Demos
提供各种客户端接入阿里云 消息队列 Kafka 的demo工程
Cp Demo
Confluent Platform Demo including Apache Kafka, ksqlDB, Control Center, Replicator, Confluent Schema Registry, Security
Fw Spring Cloud
KMinion is a feature-rich Prometheus exporter for Apache Kafka written in Go. It is lightweight and highly configurable so that it will meet your requirements.
A resilient Ethereum event listener that bridges your smart contract events and backend microservices
Fluent Plugin Kafka
Kafka input and output plugin for Fluentd
Node Sinek
🎩 Most advanced high level Node.js Kafka client
Terraform Provider Kafka
Terraform provider for managing Apache Kafka Topics + ACLs
Kafkastreams Cep
Complex Event Processing on top of Kafka Streams
Clickhouse sinker
Easily load data from kafka to ClickHouse
Kafka Connect Oracle
Kafka Source Connector For Oracle
Cruise Control
Cruise-control is the first of its kind to fully automate the dynamic workload rebalance and self-healing of a Kafka cluster. It provides great value to Kafka users by simplifying the operation of Kafka clusters.
Gradle plugin to interact with Confluent Schema-Registry.
Karafka WaterDrop and Sidekiq backend example application
CLI tool and Go client library for the Kafka Connect REST API
Utility tool for managing kafka
SpringCloud(Hoxton.SR5) + SpringBoot(2.3.0.RELEASE)的 SaaS型微服务后端脚手架。授权中心开发完毕。文档地址:
One click deploy docker-compose with Kafka, Spark Streaming, Zeppelin UI and Monitoring (Grafana + Kafka Manager)
Scheduler for delayed messages to Kafka topics
An application that records stats about consumer group offset commits and reports them as prometheus metrics
Showcases how to build a small Event-sourced application using Spring Boot, Spring Kafka, Apache Avro and Apache Kafka
Monitoring tool to measure flow throughput of data sources and processing components that are part of Data Ingestion and ETL pipelines.
Kafka Connector for DynamoDB [unmaintained]
OAuth2 support for Apache Kafka to work with many OAuth2 authorization servers
Perl implementation of Kafka API (official CPAN module)
Code snippets that demonstrate how to leverage the new Kafka 0.11 APIs
Docker build project to setup a lightweight hadoop cluster containing hadoop, pig, zookeeper, hbase, phoenix, storm, kafka, kafka manager
Sandwich Daemon is the middle man between discord and your microserviced bot. Handles gateway, state and provides a dashboard.