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Top 6423 machine-learning open source projects

Facial Recognition Using Facenet
Implementation of facial recognition using facenets for humans
Functional tensors for probabilistic programming
Visual Interaction Networks Pytorch
This's an implementation of deepmind Visual Interaction Networks paper using pytorch
Ntu hylee machinelearning homework
作業分享:台大李宏毅 (Hung-Yi Lee) 教授的Machine Learning (2016, Fall)
Keras Metrics
Metrics for Keras. DEPRECATED since Keras 2.3.0
R Library for Analytics and Machine Learning
A well tested and comprehensive Golang statistics library package with no dependencies.
Ergonomic machine learning for everyone.
Neural Chessboard
♔ An Extremely Efficient Chess-board Detection for Non-trivial Photos ♔
🧠 A PyTorch implementation of 'Deep CORAL: Correlation Alignment for Deep Domain Adaptation.', ECCV 2016
Autodifferentiation package in Rust.
Our solution for ICIAR 2018 Grand Challenge
📍 Interactive Studio for Explanatory Model Analysis
Sentiment analysis with Machine Learning
The Compute Library is a set of computer vision and machine learning functions optimised for both Arm CPUs and GPUs using SIMD technologies.
Naive Bayes Classifier
yet another general purpose naive bayesian classifier.
Awesome Ai
A curated list of artificial intelligence resources (Courses, Tools, App, Open Source Project)
Load forecasting
Load forcasting on Delhi area electric power load using ARIMA, RNN, LSTM and GRU models
Channel Breakout Bot for bitflyer-FX
Slide show presentations regarding data driven investing.
Awesome Graph Attack Papers
Adversarial attacks and defenses on Graph Neural Networks.
Datascience Pizza
🍕 Repositório para juntar informações sobre materiais de estudo em análise de dados e áreas afins, empresas que trabalham com dados e dicionário de conceitos
Hitchhikers Guide Machine Learning
Guide explaining and implementing fundamental machine learning algorithms in Python
A sparsity aware implementation of "Deep Autoencoder-like Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Community Detection" (CIKM 2018).
Jstarcraft Ai
目标是提供一个完整的Java机器学习(Machine Learning/ML)框架,作为人工智能在学术界与工业界的桥梁. 让相关领域的研发人员能够在各种软硬件环境/数据结构/算法/模型之间无缝切换. 涵盖了从数据处理到模型的训练与评估各个环节,支持硬件加速和并行计算,是最快最全的Java机器学习库.
VideoView that plays video only when 👀 are open and 👦 is detected with various other features
Fastapi Ml Skeleton
FastAPI Skeleton App to serve machine learning models production-ready.
Dspp Keras
Protein order and disorder data for Keras, Tensor Flow and Edward frameworks with automated update cycle made for continuous learning applications.
Ai Hackathon 2018
"한계를 넘어 상상에 도전하자!" 네이버 AI 해커톤 2018 - 대회종료
Deep Svdd
Repository for the Deep One-Class Classification ICML 2018 paper
Курс "Прикладные задачи анализа данных" (ВМК, МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова)
Nano Neuron
🤖 NanoNeuron is 7 simple JavaScript functions that will give you a feeling of how machines can actually "learn"
A toil-free multi-tenancy machine learning platform in your Kubernetes cluster
Emotion Recognition Using Speech
Building and training Speech Emotion Recognizer that predicts human emotions using Python, Sci-kit learn and Keras
A collection of useful mathematical functions in Elixir with a slant towards statistics, linear algebra and machine learning
Fake Image Detection Using Machine Learning
Visualize ml
Python package for consolidated and extensive Univariate,Bivariate Data Analysis and Visualization catering to both categorical and continuous datasets.
Reuters Full Data Set
Full dataset of Reuters composed of 8,551,441 news titles, links and timestamps (Jan 2007 - Aug 2016). Generate your own up to today!
Cama summer school 2017
杭电 MIL 机器学习暑期研讨班
R package for automation of machine learning, forecasting, feature engineering, model evaluation, model interpretation, data generation, and recommenders.
Halite Iii
Season 3 of @twosigma's artificial intelligence programming challenge
Scene generation
A PyTorch implementation of the paper: Specifying Object Attributes and Relations in Interactive Scene Generation
An open-source toolkit for large-scale genomic analysis
Facemoji Kit
Face tracker with blend shapes coefficients, 3D head pose and dense mesh in real-time on iOS, Android, Mac, PC and Linux.
MixText: Linguistically-Informed Interpolation of Hidden Space for Semi-Supervised Text Classification
《机器翻译:基础与模型》肖桐 朱靖波 著 - Machine Translation: Foundations and Models
601-660 of 6423 machine-learning projects