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Top 1253 neural-network open source projects

Useful extra functionality for TensorFlow 2.x maintained by SIG-addons
SimpleDNN is a machine learning lightweight open-source library written in Kotlin designed to support relevant neural network architectures in natural language processing tasks
Using A.I. and computer vision to build a virtual personal fitness trainer. (Most Startup-Viable Hack - HackNYU2018)
Predicting real estate prices using scikit Learn
Predicting Amsterdam house / real estate prices using Ordinary Least Squares-, XGBoost-, KNN-, Lasso-, Ridge-, Polynomial-, Random Forest-, and Neural Network MLP Regression (via scikit-learn)
Crystal Fann
FANN (Fast Artifical Neural Network) binding in Crystal
50% faster, 50% less RAM Machine Learning. Numba rewritten Sklearn. SVD, NNMF, PCA, LinearReg, RidgeReg, Randomized, Truncated SVD/PCA, CSR Matrices all 50+% faster
NeuralPy: A Keras like deep learning library works on top of PyTorch
Dl Visualization
This is the source code for the animations in the series "Visualizing Deep Learning"
Tfjs Core
WebGL-accelerated ML // linear algebra // automatic differentiation for JavaScript.
Super Slowmo
An attempt at a PyTorch implimentation of "Super SloMo: High Quality Estimation of Multiple Intermediate Frames for Video Interpolation"
Lectures Labs
Slides and Jupyter notebooks for the Deep Learning lectures at Master Year 2 Data Science from Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Jina Hub
An open-registry for hosting Jina executors via container images
Embedding Projection for Knowledge Graph Completion
3d Reconstruction With Neural Networks
3D reconstruction with neural networks using Tensorflow. See link for Video (
Keras Shufflenet
ShuffleNet Implementation using Keras Functional Framework 2.0
A minimalist deep learning library in Javascript using WebGL + asm.js. Run convolutional neural network in your browser.
Onnx Scala
An ONNX (Open Neural Network eXchange) API and Backend for Typeful, Functional Deep Learning in Scala
Ann Visualizer
A python library for visualizing Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
Sycl Dnn
SYCL-DNN is a library implementing neural network algorithms written using SYCL
Coursera Ml Py
Python programming assignments for Machine Learning by Prof. Andrew Ng in Coursera
Theoretical Proof Of Neural Network Model And Implementation Based On Numpy
This resource implements a deep neural network through Numpy, and is equipped with easy-to-understand theoretical derivation, mainly for the in-depth understanding of neural networks. 神经网络模型的理论证明与基于Numpy的实现。
Radiate is a parallel genetic programming engine capable of evolving solutions to many problems as well as training learning algorithms.
Learned Indexes
Implementation of BTree part for paper 'The Case for Learned Index Structures'
Super Mario Neat
This program evolves an AI using the NEAT algorithm to play Super Mario Bros.
Deep Ranking
Learning Fine-grained Image Similarity with Deep Ranking is a novel application of neural networks, where the authors use a new multi scale architecture combined with a triplet loss to create a neural network that is able to perform image search. This repository is a simplified implementation of the same
A list of paper, books and sites for various different topics related to machine learning and deep learning along with various field in which it is implemented
Defect Detection With Tensorflow
Tfjs Data
Simple APIs to load and prepare data for use in machine learning models
Library for MQL5 (MetaTrader) with Python, Java, Apache Spark, AWS
Model Compression And Acceleration Progress
Repository to track the progress in model compression and acceleration
Minkowski Engine is an auto-diff neural network library for high-dimensional sparse tensors
A MATLAB implementation of the TensorFlow Neural Networks Playground seen on
Embedded gcnn
Embedded Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (EGCNN) in TensorFlow
Captcha break keras
keras theano 验证码破解 字母+数字
Speech synthesis platform based on tensorflow and sonnet
My personal repository of notes served through Github pages at
Brains Jruby
A feedforward neural network implementation for JRuby
Credit Card Fraud
Analysis of credit card fraud data
One Pixel Attack Keras
Keras implementation of "One pixel attack for fooling deep neural networks" using differential evolution on Cifar10 and ImageNet
361-420 of 1253 neural-network projects