Top 2024 redux open source projects

React Start Kit
A boilerplate of SPA, built with React.js, Webpack, ES6+, Redux, Router, Babel, Express, Ant Design...
Redux Modal
Redux based modal
Insta Snap
Instagram and Snapchat like React Native App
What The Splash
Tutorial for building an unsplash image gallery with redux saga :atom:
Clean State
🐻 A pure and compact state manager, using React-hooks native implementation, automatically connect the module organization architecture. 🍋
A simple and powerful React framework with minimal API and zero boilerplate.
Redux Idle Monitor
A Redux component to schedule events at stages of user idleness across multiple browser tabs.
Dva Boot Admin
🍰 react admin dashboard ui LANIF-ADMIN --- react 16 + react-router 4 + dva 2 + antd 4 后台管理 脚手架
Basic Mern Stack App
A simple MERN Stack App made for practice & learning. CRUD, Authentication & Deployment in MERN.
React Login
A client side implementation of authentication using react.js for my blog on medium. This is the second part of my previous blog on how to implement scalable node.js server.
React Redux Flask
Boilerplate application for a Python/Flask JWT Backend and a Javascript/React/Redux Front-End with Material UI.
A "batteries included" port of Reduxjs for Kotlin+Android
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Ts React Boilerplate
Universal React App with Redux 4, Typescript 3, and Webpack 4
React Admin
React+AntD 后台管理系统解决方案
Optolith Client
Optolith Character Manager is a desktop application for The Dark Eye 5th Edition.
Redux Immutable Examples
A complete application showing use of redux-immutable.
Redux Favicon
Redux middleware that displays colourful notification badges in the favicon area. Redux
Redux middleware to emit action via
A WYSIWYG Editor to create slides in impress.js.
Aspnet Core React Registration Login Example
React + ASP.NET Core 2.0 - User Registration and Login Example & Tutorial
React Easy Start
A lightweight ant-design-pro based on create-react-app.
Redux Search
Redux bindings for client-side search
A simple (and tiny <1kb) redux inspired reducer for handling state changes.
🏀 iOS and Android NBA app created with React Native
Sdf Ui
WebGL node editor for Signed Distance Functions
An addon library for Redux that enhances its integration with TypeScript.
Angular 2+ bindings for Redux
𝌶 Tetris as Progressive Web Application
React Prepare
Prepare you app state for async server-side rendering and more!
React Uport Box
Truffle, Webpack, React, Redux boilerplate with routing and authentication via a UPort.
Simple timetable app built with React Native
Example App
Example app showcasing the ngrx platform
Re Ducks Examples
Redux Todo examples of the re-ducks modular approach
Redux Time
∞ High-performance declarative JS animation library for building games, data-viz experiences, and more w/ React, ThreeJS, Inferno, SnabbDOM and others...
Oh My Fullstack
🚀 Full stack web application skeleton (Next.js, Redux, RxJS, Immutable, Express)
极简的全局数据管理方案,基于 React Hooks API
React 16.13.1 - Create React App 实现网易云音乐(网页版)
A very lightweight data store with action reducers and state change listeners.
React Tsx Starter
Universal/Isomorphic React TypeScript Starter Project
React Demo Gather
react demo合集,有自己写的,也有在学习过程中觉得很好的demo收集的,持续更新中
React Redux
Use Substate
🍙 Lightweight (<600B minified + gzipped) React Hook to subscribe to a subset of your single app state.
Redux Hooks
⚓ React Hooks implementation for Redux
IRC client built with Electron & React
Redux Tetris
Simple tetris clone made using React + Redux.
Redux Cnode
Advanced Redux
A messenger service built with Redux
React From Scratch
Building a Modern React App from Scratch in 2021
Redux Reset
Give redux the ability to reset the state
Webpack Dll Demo
webpack build with dll plugin, react, react router and redux
a team collaboration tutorial app like teambition/worktile