Top 2024 redux open source projects

Redux 4 Ways
Redux Implementation - Thunk vs Saga vs Observable vs Redux Promise Middleware
✭ 123
Youtube desktop
The desktop Youtube Application built using Electron. (In development)
Redux compatible API for Logux
Redux Dynostore
These libraries provide tools for building dynamic Redux stores.
React Eva
Effects+View+Actions(React distributed state management solution with rxjs.)
React App Architecture
React.js Isomorphic Web Application Architecture - Learn to build a complete website for a blogging platform like Medium, FreeCodeCamp, MindOrks etc using React.js, Redux, Material-UI, Express.js, Typescript, Webpack, Babel, and Docker. OpenSource project by AfterAcademy
An open source software to communicate with your team members through posting daily reports.
React Controlled Form
Flexible, Modular & Controlled Forms for React and Redux
🎧 A homemade Spotify application. It's a server side rendering client made with React and Redux, powered by the Spotify API
Fit Html
💪 Combining web components + lit-html + redux (3KB)
Tree Online
An online tree-like utility for generating ASCII folder structure diagrams. Written in TypeScript and React.
React Desktops
web桌面操作系统前端UI,用了丰富的mac和win10桌面元素,包括桌面图标、窗口化子页面管理、开始菜单等组件,兼容主流现代浏览器。 适合快速开发后台管理系统的前端界面、整合企业诸多应用、通过B/S架构集成系统、可作为企业级应用管理平台。
Cinema Plus
Online Movie Ticket Booking web app with MERN Stack
Web Drum Sequencer
A drum machine and sequencer built with the Web Audio API, React, and Redux.
Reactide is the first dedicated IDE for React web application development.
🌵 Declarative API Data Management Library built on top of redux 🌵
React Redux Starter
A basic template that consists of the essential elements that are required to start building a Single Page Application using React, React Router, Redux, Bootstrap 4, Sass, and Webpack
Redux Act
An opinionated lib to create actions and reducers for Redux
[Experimental, WIP] A base for building modern, performant, huge web apps.
React Redux Auth0 Kit
Minimal starter boilerplate project with CRA, React, Redux, React Router and Auth0 authentication
Browser Metrics
A collection of metrics tools for measuring performance ⚡️
Web Extension Starter
Typescript, React, Redux, Styled-Component and Webpack based sample extension boilerplate. Runs on Chrome and Firefox. Sample chrome extension.
清华大学网络学堂 App,以 React Native 构建。App for Tsinghua University Web Learning, developed with React Native. ⚛️
Types First Ui
An opinionated framework for building long-lived, maintainable UI codebases
Prodo is a React framework to build apps faster.
Redux Autoform
Create Redux-Forms dynamically out of metadata
React Redux Boilerplate
It is a boilerplate of React-Redux as the infrastructure, which helps to setup a Web APP quickly
⚡️ Dead simple state for React. Now with Hooks support.
StockFlux is a desktop application developed by Scott Logic that uses the OpenFin HTML5 container together with React, Redux, ES2015 and d3fc
Elixir Cowboy React Spa
Example application that shows how to use Cowboy 2.0 in conjunction with React and Redux to create data driven Single Page Applications
Interview Problem Summary
🎤 Prepare for the interviews and sum up the most popular interview problems for front-end(HTML/CSS/Javascript), Web development, full-stack. Also did some typical coding practice questions, such as UI caculator
Stacks Wallet
Stacks Wallet—Send and receive STX tokens on the Stacks Blockchain.
Mern Boilerplate
Fullstack boilerplate with React, Redux, Express, Mongoose, Passport Local, JWT, Facebook and Google OAuth out of the box.
Nyxo App
The repository for Nyxo React Native app, a personal sleep tracker and sleep coach
🍫 the simplest way to manage state
Botframework Emulator
A desktop application that allows users to locally test and debug chat bots built with the Bot Framework SDK.
Battle City
🎮 Battle city remake built with react.
Angular To React Redux
Angular to React/Redux, a Guide for Angular v1 Experts Looking to Learn React/Redux
Angular Redux
Angular 4 and Redux simplified + Live Demo
React Koa Login
koa2 + react + react-router(4.0) + redux + webpack + antd
🏋️‍♀️ Nucleo is a strongly typed and predictable state container library for JavaScript ecosystem written in TypeScript
Wordpress Rest Admin
A frontend for admin area of WordPress, using WP REST API and React. It works with Self-Hosted WordPress
Create Lit App
Create LitHTML apps with no build configuration. (LitHTML/Redux/Webpack/Express)
React Slingshot
React + Redux starter kit / boilerplate with Babel, hot reloading, testing, linting and a working example app built in
Flutter redux
A library that connects Widgets to a Redux Store