All Categories → Web User Interface → react-router-v4

Top 104 react-router-v4 open source projects

Mern Passport
A boilerplate example of using passport.js for authenticating a MERN application
React Expressjs
Simple and compact boilerplate for ReactJS project with expressJS
React Live Route
📌 An enhanced react-router-v4/5 Route that keeps route alive.
React Wp Rest
A boilerplate for pairing the WP Rest API with a server-rendered React app
The "nearly invisible" way to server-render React applications
V2 Universal Js Hmr Ssr React Redux
⚡ (V2) Universal JS - Server Side Rendering, Code Splitting and Hot Module Reloading ⚡
Lets Code React Native
We develop the UI/UX in React Native based on some certain design from scratch.
React Portfolio
A React portfolio starter app using create-react-app. Includes top header, side nav with a few pages which are routed with react-router
React Redux Bootstrap Webpack Starter
React 16.9 + Typescript + React-Router 4 + Redux + Bootstrap 4 + Hot Reload + redux-devtools-extension + Webpack 4 + styled-components STARTER
Favesound Redux
🎶 A SoundCloud Client in React + Redux running in production. Live Demo and Source Code to explore React + Redux as a beginner.
A scaffold for developers to get started writing node applications
React Graphql Github Apollo
🚀 A React + Apollo + GraphQL GitHub Client. Your opportunity to learn about these technologies in a real world application.
React Goodbye
A save reminder component for react router v4+.
React Antd Admin
Road Beyond React App
🌈 The Road beyond React - Thing you can use after learning plain React.js
React Bootstrap Webpack Starter
ReactJS 16.4 + new React Context API +react Router 4 + webpack 4 + babel 7+ hot Reload + Bootstrap 4 + styled-components
React Easy Start
A lightweight ant-design-pro based on create-react-app.
Cra Boilerplate
Up to date: This project is an Create React App - v2.1.1 boilerplate with integration of Redux, React Router, Redux thunk & Reactstrap(Bootstrap v4)
React Dashboard
🔥React Dashboard - isomorphic admin dashboard template (React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, GraphQL, React Router, Babel, Webpack, Browsersync) 🔥
The Ultimate Boilerplate
webpack 2, react hotloader 3, react router v4, code splitting and more
React Universal Ssr
React Adventure
⛰ React high-ending architecture & patterns ready for use. Made for big and small projects. PWA Ready.
React Mobx Demo
🔥 React, Mobx, and React-Router to achieve a Zhihu Daily App.
Simple Universal React Redux
The simplest possible Async Universal React & Redux Boilerplate app, that works on both Mac and Windows
React全家桶工程 ^_^ 不谢;
React Node Learn
Universal React Demo
ES6 demo of a simple but scalable React app with react-router, code splitting, server side rendering, and tree shaking.
React Mobx Project
React Rapid
React-Rapid: Fast, Responsive & Free React Starter Template
React Redux Saga Starter
Basic, Opinionated starter kit for React+Redux+Redux Saga with support for SCSS CSS Modules, Storybook, JEST testing, and ESLint
React Router With Props
Custom routes for react router dom
Favesound Mobx
🎶 A SoundCloud Client in React + MobX running in production. Live Demo and Source Code to explore React + MobX. Refactored from favesound-redux
React Blog
react hooks + koa2 + sequelize + mysql 构建的个人博客。具备评论、通知、上传文章等等功能
React Koa2 Ssr
a Isomorphic framework demo for react server side rendering ( react 同构工程项目骨架,基于create-react-app 和 koa2生成器搭建。)
1-60 of 104 react-router-v4 projects