Adaptive AlertingAnomaly detection for streaming time series, featuring automated model selection.
RacecontrolRace Control is a standalone, open source F1TV client for Windows, written in C# on the .NET 5 platform.
CloudrigStream your applications with Parsec and AWS on the cheap.
MotorwayCloud ready pure-python streaming data pipeline library
FluvioCloud-native distributed data streaming platform, written in Rust
HistogramStreaming Histograms for Clojure/Java
UltrasonicFree and open-source music streaming Android client for Subsonic API compatible servers
Ott PackagerOTT/ABR streaming encoder (H264/HEVC) and packager for DASH and HLS
AerialAerial Apple TV screen saver for Windows
LapidusStream your PostgreSQL, MySQL or MongoDB databases anywhere, fast.
JaxonStreaming JSON parser for Elixir
StunA Go implementation of STUN
Airsonic📡 ☁️ 🎶Airsonic, a Free and Open Source community driven media server (fork of Subsonic and Libresonic)
FlogoProject Flogo is an open source ecosystem of opinionated event-driven capabilities to simplify building efficient & modern serverless functions, microservices & edge apps.
Advanced Http4s🌈 Code samples of advanced features of Http4s in combination with some features of Fs2 not often seen.
Node CameraAccess and stream web camera in nodejs using opencv and websockets.
SmoothstreamWebcam, PiCamera streaming over the network with Python made easy.
NekoA self hosted virtual browser ( clone) that runs in docker.
Spark.NET for Apache® Spark™ makes Apache Spark™ easily accessible to .NET developers.
TwitchrecoverTwitch VOD tool which recovers all VODs including those that are sub only or deleted.
Markup.mlError-recovering streaming HTML5 and XML parsers
DtcraftA High-performance Cluster Computing Engine
Cloudstream 2CloudStream 2 is an android streaming app for movies, tv-shows and anime
IptvAndroid project for live streaming IPTV
TeddySpark Streaming监控平台,支持任务部署与告警、自启动
RtpA Go implementation of RTP
Lua Resty HttpLua HTTP client cosocket driver for OpenResty / ngx_lua.
Glimesh.tvGlimesh is a next generation live streaming platform built by the community, for the community.
SoundtrackSelf-hosted collaborative music playing application.
River🌊 Online machine learning in Python
Flink Learningflink learning blog. 含 Flink 入门、概念、原理、实战、性能调优、源码解析等内容。涉及 Flink Connector、Metrics、Library、DataStream API、Table API & SQL 等内容的学习案例,还有 Flink 落地应用的大型项目案例(PVUV、日志存储、百亿数据实时去重、监控告警)分享。欢迎大家支持我的专栏《大数据实时计算引擎 Flink 实战与性能优化》
Streaming RoomStreaming room in Node.js, rtmp, hsl, html5 videojs player
PravegaPravega is 100% open source and community-driven. All components are available
under Apache 2 License on
NymphcastAudio and video casting system with support for custom applications.
EnimeDesktop application for anime fans :D
FlixerrThe best free movie torrent streaming app.
LeafplayerLeafPlayer is a fast and modern personal music streaming server, easily installable by using Docker.
Fiflowflink-sql 在 flink 上运行 sql 和 构建数据流的平台 基于 apache flink 1.10.0
Kit Katkit-kat (Toolkit-kat) is a FREE Wireless Capture-card to stream your 3DS screen to your PC!
Node Tcp Streaming ServerExperimental TCP video streaming server written in node.js. Streaming over TCP and redistributing using WebSockets.
Hls.jsHLS.js is a JavaScript library that plays HLS in browsers with support for MSE.
Prolink ToolsUser friendly tools for accessing and using PRO DJ LINK information.