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Top 3524 tensorflow open source projects

Chinese Ocr
[python3.6] 运用tf实现自然场景文字检测,keras/pytorch实现ctpn+crnn+ctc实现不定长场景文字OCR识别
ActionVLAD for video action classification (CVPR 2017)
Deep Learning Zero to All - Tensorflow
Grad cam plus plus
A generalized gradient-based CNN visualization technique
Android Yolo V2
Android YOLO real time object detection sample application with Tensorflow mobile.
Tensorflow Dsmm
Tensorflow implementations of various Deep Semantic Matching Models (DSMM).
BAND:BERT Application aNd Deployment,Simple and efficient BERT model training and deployment, 简单高效的 BERT 模型训练和部署
A TensorFlow implementation of Google's Tacotron speech synthesis with pre-trained model (unofficial)
Understanding tensorflow nn
🔮Getting started with TensorFlow: Classifying Text with Neural Networks
Sign Language Gesture Recognition
Sign Language Gesture Recognition From Video Sequences Using RNN And CNN
Neural sequence labeling
A TensorFlow implementation of Neural Sequence Labeling model, which is able to tackle sequence labeling tasks such as POS Tagging, Chunking, NER, Punctuation Restoration and etc.
Tflite Android Transformers
DistilBERT / GPT-2 for on-device inference thanks to TensorFlow Lite with Android demo apps
Weakly Supervised Segmentation with Tensorflow. Implements instance segmentation as described in Simple Does It: Weakly Supervised Instance and Semantic Segmentation, by Khoreva et al. (CVPR 2017).
Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis
💭 Aspect-Based-Sentiment-Analysis: Transformer & Explainable ML (TensorFlow)
Generative inpainting
DeepFill v1/v2 with Contextual Attention and Gated Convolution, CVPR 2018, and ICCV 2019 Oral
Game Bot
Artificial intelligence learn playing any game with watching you.
Im2latex Tensorflow
Tensorflow implementation of the HarvardNLP paper - What You Get Is What You See: A Visual Markup Decompiler (
Gan Sandbox
Vanilla GAN implemented on top of keras/tensorflow enabling rapid experimentation & research. Branches correspond to implementations of stable GAN variations (i.e. ACGan, InfoGAN) and other promising variations of GANs like conditional and Wasserstein.
The TensorFlow reference implementation of 'GEMSEC: Graph Embedding with Self Clustering' (ASONAM 2019).
Image manipulation detection
Paper: CVPR2018, Learning Rich Features for Image Manipulation Detection
Code for the Recsys 2018 paper entitled Causal Embeddings for Recommandation.
Dl inference
R2cnn Plus Plus tensorflow
This is a tensorflow implementation of R2CNN++: Multi-Dimensional Attention Based Rotation Invariant Detector with Robust Anchor Strategy.
Tensor Shape Annotation Library (numpy, tensorflow, pytorch, ...)
Chinese Poetry Generation
An RNN-based Chinese Poem Generator
Yolov3 deepsort
Object tracking implemented with YOLOv3, Deep Sort and Tensorflow.
Go Tensorflow Image Recognition
Image Recognition API in Go using TensorFlow
An automatic beatmap generator using Tensorflow / Deep Learning.
Quantum Neural Networks
This repository contains the source code used to produce the results presented in the paper "Continuous-variable quantum neural networks". Due to subsequent interface upgrades, these scripts will work only with Strawberry Fields version <= 0.10.0.
Doc Han Att
Hierarchical Attention Networks for Chinese Sentiment Classification
Flink Tensorflow
flink-tensorflow - TensorFlow support for Apache Flink
Neural networks toolbox focused on medical image analysis
Tensorflow2 Deep Reinforcement Learning
Code accompanying the blog post "Deep Reinforcement Learning with TensorFlow 2.1"
Hivemq Mqtt Tensorflow Kafka Realtime Iot Machine Learning Training Inference
Real Time Big Data / IoT Machine Learning (Model Training and Inference) with HiveMQ (MQTT), TensorFlow IO and Apache Kafka - no additional data store like S3, HDFS or Spark required
Attention Mechanisms
Implementations for a family of attention mechanisms, suitable for all kinds of natural language processing tasks and compatible with TensorFlow 2.0 and Keras.
Yolov4 Custom Functions
A Wide Range of Custom Functions for YOLOv4, YOLOv4-tiny, YOLOv3, and YOLOv3-tiny Implemented in TensorFlow, TFLite, and TensorRT.
Alpha Zero General
A clean implementation based on AlphaZero for any game in any framework + tutorial + Othello/Gobang/TicTacToe/Connect4 and more
Tensorflow Nvjetson
TensorFlow for NVIDIA Jetson, also include patch and script for building.
Ros people object detection tensorflow
An extensive ROS toolbox for object detection & tracking and face/action recognition with 2D and 3D support which makes your Robot understand the environment
Cnn Relation Extraction
Tensorflow Implementation of Convolutional Neural Network for Relation Extraction (COLING 2014, NAACL 2015)
Fast Semantic Segmentation
ICNet and PSPNet-50 in Tensorflow for real-time semantic segmentation
Reinforcement Learning Stanford
🕹️ CS234: Reinforcement Learning, Winter 2019 | YouTube videos 👉
👁 Sightseer: TensorFlow library for state-of-the-art Computer Vision and Object Detection models
Yolov4 tensorflow
implement yolov4 with pure tensorflow (tf1) and you can training net on your own dataset. YOLOv4的纯tensorflow实现,可训练自己的模型.
121-180 of 3524 tensorflow projects