Top 926 csharp open source projects

351. Qqbot
使用QQ PC协议的机器人
353. Cleanarchitecture
An example of how to implement various clean coding & architecture techniques. Technologies used: .Net Core, Razor Pages, EF Core, Bootstrap 4
354. Entitas Sync Framework
Networking framework for Entitas ECS. Targeted at turnbased games or other slow-paced genres.
355. Graphql Dotnetcore
GraphQL for .NET core based on
356. Geco
Simple code generator based on a console project, running on .Net core and using C# interpolated strings
358. Love2dcs
C# Wrapper for LÖVE, a 2d game engine
359. Cs2x
Transpiles a C# subset to non .NET languages and runtimes. (Powered by Roslyn)
360. Phoenixsharp
C# Phoenix Channels client. Unity Compatible.
361. Candycoded
🍭 Custom Unity Components that are delightful
363. Instagram Bot Cs
Instagram bot write on C#
364. Blazor Blogs
Simple blogging application written in Microsoft Server Side Blazor
365. Darkconfig
DarkConfig is a configuration library for games which supports fast and expressive iteration
366. 1975
1975 - Modelando Domínios Ricos
Ethernet/IP compatible library for .NET implementations
✭ 92
369. Ldap4net
OpenLdap port for DotNet Core (Linux\OSX\Windows)
370. Self Learning Materials For Blazor Jp
C# で Single Page Web アプリを開発するフレームワーク「Blazor」の WebAssembly 版 (client-side 版) の自習教材です。
371. Ps4 tools
Collection Of Open Source PS4 Tools all in one Library All Written in C#
373. Reef
Mirror of Apache REEF
374. Coderr.server
Replace logfiles with Coderr to correct bugs faster and more efficiently.
375. Unityheapcrawler
Reflection based heap shapshot tool for Unity game engine
A simple 2D game written in C# with .NET Core. Development is streamed live on and past streams available on YouTube at
377. Cairoshell
Cairo is a customizable, intuitive desktop environment for Windows.
378. Code2race
Solve the problem. 😊 If you like ❤ give us a star⭐. HACKTOBERFEST
379. Obsidian
[WIP] A C# implementation of the Minecraft server protocol. (.NET 5)
380. Tabtoy
381. Playfabgameserver
Out of the Box Game Server for
383. Neatinput
A .NET standard project which aims to make keyboard and mouse input monitoring easy on Windows and eventually Linux.
384. Psd Parser
Photoshop Document Parser for .Net
385. Graphql Net Client
Very simple GraphQL client for .NET/C#
387. Panuonui.silver
Panuon.UI optimized version. A beautiful wpf ui library using templates & attached properties.
388. Sourcecodesniffer
The Source Code Sniffer is a poor man’s static code analysis tool (SCA) that leverages regular expressions. Designed to highlight high risk functions (Injection, LFI/RFI, file uploads etc) across multiple languages (ASP, Java, CSharp, PHP, Perl, Python, JavaScript, HTML etc) in a highly configurable manner.
389. Capslockindicator
A small utility that indicates the state of the Num lock, Caps lock and Scroll lock key.
390. Crmcore
A lightweight CRM Web Application builds with a clean modern architecture and technology
391. Desafios Dio
Resolução dos desafios de C Sharp, Java, JS e Ruby da DIO. 📚
392. Atomic Red Team Intelligence C2
ARTi-C2 is a post-exploitation framework used to execute Atomic Red Team test cases with rapid payload deployment and execution capabilities via .NET's DLR.
393. Omnisharp Vim
Vim omnicompletion (intellisense) and more for C#
394. Skyapm Dotnet
The .NET/.NET Core instrument agent for Apache SkyWalking
395. Fna
FNA - Accuracy-focused XNA4 reimplementation for open platforms
396. Mi Home
С# API for Xiaomi Mi Home devices
397. Projectfieldwarning
Project: Field Warning is a community-made RTS game centered around lethal regiment and division-scale warfare.
400. Dahomey.json
The main purpose of this library is to bring missing features to the official .Net namespace System.Text.Json