List of 748914 open source projects

Http Fake Backend (micromata)
Build a fake backend by providing the content of JSON files or JavaScript objects through configurable routes.
Pareto.js (concretesolutions)
An extremely small, intuitive and fast functional utility library for JavaScript
Jigsawdemo (newtonker)
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Redraft (lokiuz)
Renders the result of Draft.js convertToRaw using provided callbacks, works well with React
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Background Fetch (WICG)
API proposal for background downloading/uploading
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Grpclb (bsm)
External Load Balancing Service solution for gRPC written in Go
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Cs193p Spring 2016 (duliodenis)
These are the lectures, slides, reading assignments, and problem sets for the 'Developing iOS 9 Apps with Swift' CS193p course offered at the Stanford School of Engineering and available on iTunes U.
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Ravada (UPC)
Remote Virtual Desktops Manager
Mame4ios (yoshisuga)
Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator for iOS, iPadOS, tvOS
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Converge (asteris-llc)
A powerful and easy-to-use configuration management system.
Aws Spot Bot (Jakobovski)
A simple script to automate the creation of the cheapest and most stable AWS spot instances.
React Native Egg (FuYaoDe)
react-native-egg make your react native app infinitely more fun !!
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Showtimevideolive (myiosemail)
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Git Series (git-series)
Track changes to a patch series over time
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Cssobj (cssobj)
Runtime CSS manager, Turn CSS into dynamic JS module, Stylesheet CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in CSSOM, name space (local) class names
Baidulixiandown (zqqian)
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Vk Java Sdk (VKCOM)
Java library for working with VK API
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Easydropdown (onmyway133)
💧 Fantastic dropdown in Swift
Sidekick (ArtemGr)
Dice and LFG bot for Discord.
Awesome Ci (cytopia)
Awesome Continuous Integration - Lot's of tools for git, file and static source code analysis.
Babel Webpack Tree Shaking (blacksonic)
Tree-shaking example with Babel and Webpack
Ducktoolkit (kevthehermit)
Encoding Tools for Rubber Ducky
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Fireaway (tcstool)
Next Generation Firewall Audit and Bypass Tool
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Translation Sheet (nikaia)
Translating Laravel languages files using a Google Spreadsheet.
Tensorflow Vdsr (Jongchan)
A tensorflow implementation of "Accurate Image Super-Resolution Using Very Deep Convolutional Networks", CVPR 16'
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Miniapp Toutiao (CrazyCodes)
🍭🔥🔥 微信小程序-仿今日头条
Qemu_esp32 (Ebiroll)
Add tensilica esp32 cpu and a board to qemu and dump the rom to learn more about esp-idf
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Rhythmheavenremixeditor (chrislo27)
RHRE – A playable, custom remix editor for the Rhythm Heaven series
React Plyr (xDae)
📺 A React video component based on Plyr
Rhino Developer Samples (mcneel)
Rhino and Grasshopper developer sample code
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Spring Framework Petclinic (spring-petclinic)
A Spring Framework application based on JSP, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate and JDBC
Refactoratorapp (johnno1962)
App version of Refactorator plugin
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Nico (ftsf)
Nim Game Framework based on Pico-8
Qmkbuilder (ruiqimao)
Online GUI for QMK Firmware
Androidocr (wangtaoT)
基于Google Tesseract-OCR 文字识别 仿小猿搜题、作业帮
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Maketypes (jvilk)
Make TypeScript types and proxy objects from example JSON objects. Can use proxy objects to dynamically type check JSON at runtime.
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Data Structure (DLily0129)
c++ 顺序表、链表、静态链表、队列、一元多项式、汉诺塔、火车调度问题、操作系统调度问题、背包问题、最大连续子列和问题、KMP算法、稀疏矩阵、广义表、并查集、无向图邻接表、有向图邻接表、Krusskal算法、Prim算法、最短路径Dijsktra算法、最短路径Bellman-Ford算法、最短路径Floyd算法、拓扑排序、关键路径、优化的冒泡排序、快速排序、直接插入排序、折半插入排序、闭散列实现、开散列实现
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Localize (andresilvagomez)
Localize is a framework writed in swift to localize your projects easier improves i18n, including storyboards and strings.
Pytorch Ddpg Naf (ikostrikov)
Implementation of algorithms for continuous control (DDPG and NAF).
Autoapi (ceshu)
基于node.js的RESTful Api生成器
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Flubber (Appolica)
Flubber is an elegant solution for making animations in Android. The library is developed and maintained by Appolica.
Block (bamos)
An intelligent block matrix library for numpy, PyTorch, and beyond.
Further (jongold)
🦄🌈🍄 algebraic style composition for functional UIs
Barrelsby (bencoveney)
Automatic TypeScript barrels (index.ts files) for your entire code base
Ftp Srv (autovance)
📮 Modern FTP Server
Face_recognition_models (ageitgey)
Trained models for the face_recognition python library
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Singlespotify (kabirvirji)
🎵 Create Spotify playlists based on one artist through the command line
Astra (brainstormforce)
A very lightweight and beautiful theme made to work with Page Builders.
Flysystem Dropbox (spatie)
A flysystem driver for Dropbox that uses the v2 API
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Im2recipe (torralba-lab)
Code supporting the CVPR 2017 paper "Learning Cross-modal Embeddings for Cooking Recipes and Food Images"
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Passcode (cruisediary)
🔑 Passcode for iOS Rxswift, ReactorKit and IGListKit example
Next Go (timberio)
Production ready blog + boilerplate for Next.js 3.X