List of 748914 open source projects

Paseto (paragonie)
Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens
Awesome Face_recognition (ChanChiChoi)
papers about Face Detection; Face Alignment; Face Recognition && Face Identification && Face Verification && Face Representation; Face Reconstruction; Face Tracking; Face Super-Resolution && Face Deblurring; Face Generation && Face Synthesis; Face Transfer; Face Anti-Spoofing; Face Retrieval;
Awesome Rest (marmelab)
A collaborative list of great resources about RESTful API architecture, development, test, and performance
✭ 2,922
Ko (google)
Build and deploy Go applications on Kubernetes
Animegan (TachibanaYoshino)
A Tensorflow implementation of AnimeGAN for fast photo animation ! This is the Open source of the paper 「AnimeGAN: a novel lightweight GAN for photo animation」, which uses the GAN framwork to transform real-world photos into anime images.
Offline First (pazguille)
🔌 Everything you need to know to create offline-first web apps.
React Native Storage (sunnylqm)
local storage wrapper for both react-native and browser. Support size controlling, auto expiring, remote data auto syncing and getting batch data in one query.
Hexo Theme Indigo (yscoder)
一个Material Design风格的Hexo主题。    备用:
Ca Bundle (composer)
Lets you find a path to the system CA bundle, and includes a fallback to the Mozilla CA bundle.
✭ 2,814
Laravel Query Builder (spatie)
Easily build Eloquent queries from API requests
Kissy (kissyteam)
A Powerful Collection Of Modules
✭ 2,723
Editor (lepture)
A markdown editor.
Packages (openwrt)
Community maintained packages for OpenWrt. Documentation for submitting pull requests is in
Sia (NebulousLabs)
Blockchain-based marketplace for file storage. Project has moved to GitLab:
Lastpass Cli (lastpass)
LastPass command line interface tool
✭ 2,782
Cocoin (Nightonke)
CoCoin, Multi-view Accounting Application
✭ 2,738
Express Mongoose Es6 Rest Api (kunalkapadia)
💥 A boilerplate application for building RESTful APIs Microservice in Node.js using express and mongoose in ES6 with code coverage and JsonWebToken Authentication
Gg (fogleman)
Go Graphics - 2D rendering in Go with a simple API.
Web Socket Js (gimite)
HTML5 Web Socket implementation powered by Flash
Pressure (stuyam)
👇💥 JavaScript library for handling Force Touch, 3D Touch, and Pointer Pressure.
Orbital (AlexAltea)
Experimental PlayStation 4 emulator.
Tomahawk (tomahawk-player)
Tomahawk, the multi-source music player
Cereal (USCiLab)
A C++11 library for serialization
Wpftoolkit (xceedsoftware)
All the controls missing in WPF. Over 1 million downloads.
Loadsir (KingJA)
A lightweight, good expandability Android library used for displaying different pages like loading, error, empty, timeout or even your custom page when you load a page.(优雅地处理加载中,重试,无数据等)
Mikro Orm (mikro-orm)
TypeScript ORM for Node.js based on Data Mapper, Unit of Work and Identity Map patterns. Supports MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases.
Websockify (novnc)
Websockify is a WebSocket to TCP proxy/bridge. This allows a browser to connect to any application/server/service.
Ssh Audit (arthepsy)
SSH server auditing (banner, key exchange, encryption, mac, compression, compatibility, security, etc)
✭ 2,778
Swiftsoup (scinfu)
SwiftSoup: Pure Swift HTML Parser, with best of DOM, CSS, and jquery (Supports Linux, iOS, Mac, tvOS, watchOS)
Cs Books (huihut)
📚 Computer Science Books 计算机技术类书籍 PDF
Uncaptcha (ecthros)
Defeating Google's audio reCaptcha with 85% accuracy.
✭ 2,720
Pylearn2 (lisa-lab)
Warning: This project does not have any current developer. See bellow.
Gradle Versions Plugin (ben-manes)
Gradle plugin to discover dependency updates
✭ 3,076
Neocomplete.vim (Shougo)
Next generation completion framework after neocomplcache
✭ 2,730
Vim Script
Js Bits (vasanthk)
✨ JavaScript concepts with code ✨
Flagkit (madebybowtie)
Beautiful flag icons for usage in apps and on the web.
Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning Machine Learning Tutorials (TarrySingh)
A comprehensive list of Deep Learning / Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tutorials - rapidly expanding into areas of AI/Deep Learning / Machine Vision / NLP and industry specific areas such as Climate / Energy, Automotives, Retail, Pharma, Medicine, Healthcare, Policy, Ethics and more.
Real_time_image_animation (anandpawara)
The Project is real time application in opencv using first order model
Robotium (RobotiumTech)
Android UI Testing
✭ 2,762
Nova (openstack)
OpenStack Compute (Nova). Mirror of code maintained at
Djinni (dropbox)
A tool for generating cross-language type declarations and interface bindings.
Dbt (fishtown-analytics)
dbt enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using the same practices that software engineers use to build applications.
Moveto (hsnaydd)
A lightweight scroll animation javascript library without any dependency
Muse (facebookresearch)
A library for Multilingual Unsupervised or Supervised word Embeddings
Flutter Osc (yubo725)
基于Google Flutter的开源中国客户端,支持Android和iOS。
Ampoptip (andreamazz)
An animated popover that pops out a given frame, great for subtle UI tips and onboarding.
Prose (jdkato)
📖 A Golang library for text processing, including tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, and named-entity extraction.