Top 1077 flask open source projects

Pyflask 2k18
A workshop organised by ACM VIT every year, during Gravitas (VIT University, Tech Fest), Having sessions on python programming and website creation using flask.
Leetcode Country Ranking
Find Leetcode ranking by country, username.
📚Simple Book library application written on flask with SQLite database.
React Flask App
A Flask + React demo application.
Flask movie site
Flask Dashboard Adminlte
AdminLTE Flask - Open-source Seed Project | AppSeed
Flask pydantic
flask extension for integration with the awesome pydantic package
Covid 19 Nlp Vis
使用 flask + pyecharts 搭建的新冠肺炎疫情数据可视化交互分析网站平台,包含疫情数据获取、每日疫情地图、曲线图展示,数据统计分析、态势感知、确诊人数预测分析算法设计、NLP舆情监测等任务(数据更新到 6.19 )
Flask Rest Template
template for a rest app with flask, flask-rest and more...
Lecture Summarizer
Lecture summarization with BERT
Gxgk Wechat Server
校园微信公众号,使用 Python、Flask、Redis、MySQL、Celery [DEPRECATED]
Work At Olist
Apply for a job at Olist's Development Team:
Watson Voice Bot
Create a Watson Assistant chatbot that uses voice over a web browser.
Flask Tutorial
这个项目已经很久很久了, 不推荐看, 不过倒是可以进群叨逼叨一下. 🚗 交流群:630398887
Flask starter app featuring CoreUI and the FlaskUser module.
A RaspberryPi based, Flask powered photovoltaic monitor
Incepiton Mysql
🍭A web platform designed for mysql inception
Carbon Api
Unofficial API for generating beautiful images of your source code using Carbon.
Flask Paper Kit
Flask Boilerplate - Paper Kit Design | AppSeed
Job Web Demo
Python Web 实战项目,Flask + Jinja2 + Bootstrap 开发的招聘网站
Ccks2019 Task5
Flask Todolist
exemplary flask application - small to-do list WebApp example
Rework the BlogRework, a SEO friendly SPA, build with flask, react, redux, mongodb...
Deep Learning Training Gui
Train and predict your model on pre-trained deep learning models through the GUI (web app). No more many parameters, no more data preprocessing.
A non-profit initiative to help spread the transcendental wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita to people around the world.
Flask Wtform Tutorial
📝😎Tutorial to implement forms in your Flask app.
Simple analytics platform for Instagram.
React, Vue.js App Generator
Book Management System
Flask + LayUI + SQLite,图书管理系统
Deploying Flask To Heroku
Deploying a Flask App To Heroku Tutorial
A project designed to explore CNN and the effectiveness of RCNN on classifying the EMNIST dataset.
Flask Log Request Id
Flask extension to track and log Request-ID headers produced by PaaS like Heroku and load balancers like Amazon ELB
Spacy Graphql
🤹‍♀️ Query spaCy's linguistic annotations using GraphQL
[Deprecated] A markdown online-editable-resume with pdf generator
Using A.I. and computer vision to build a virtual personal fitness trainer. (Most Startup-Viable Hack - HackNYU2018)
Flask Social Blueprint
An OAuth based authentication blueprint for flask. Easy to extend and override.
Sopython Site
The website for the Python chat room on Stack Overflow
🔗 A URL shortening service built using Flask and MySQL
Carson Sievert's web applications
Manager Server
Flask And Redis
Simple as dead support of Redis database for Flask applications
Flask Ponywhoosh
A Flask full-text search engine
Kelime kok ayirici
Derin Öğrenme Tabanlı - seq2seq - Türkçe için kelime kökü bulma web uygulaması - Turkish Stemmer (tr_stemmer)
Weixin Python
微信SDK - 包括微信支付,微信公众号,微信登陆,微信消息处理等
Flask Graphql
Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application.
Blog api tutorial
Blog API Written in Python Flask- Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
Docker Tutorial
Code for a creating a docker app with Flask and MySQL tutorial
Hands On Microservices With Python
Hands-on Microservices with Python [ video], published by Packt
Socketio Examples
A few examples that demonstrate the features of the Python Socket.IO server
Flask Resty
Building blocks for REST APIs for Flask